In a world where most even somewhat successful books seem to be at least considered for a screen adaptation at one point or another, we Menders have to ask: will the Green Ember ever come up? And if it does, what format can we expect to see?
The two main formats-if not the only formats-are film and television. Now, when it comes to film, there are a few different options available. You could do a 2 1/2+ hour film for each main book, and that length might even accommodate adapting some material from The Tales of Old Natalia and A Green Ember Story works. Alternatively, you could do a 90 minute theatrical film, which seems a tad more likely given the series' intended audience. Were this to be the case, they could perhaps adapt the shorter books as short films, similar to the ones that accompanied the DVD releases of each entry in the Kung Fu Panda series.
Third, you could do 70 minute direct-to-video releases. This would be the least desirable option by most accounts, for two reasons. First, direct-to-video films tend to be of lower quality in many circumstances, due to having a lower budget. Second, the shorter any film adaptation is, the less of the book is is able to faithfully adapt. While no adaptation is perfect, in my experience it seems that a book of any decent length needs a similarly lengthy film to do it justice.
The other major option, a television series, is in the opinion of many the best option when adapting a length book or series of books. When done right, such adaptations can encompass most if not all of the the major content from the book(s), while not being nearly so lengthy as a several hour long film. In the case of the Green Ember, a television series could also allow for some interesting changes, such as inserting episodes based on A Green Ember story novels in the midst of episodes based on the main entries in the series.
So what do y'all think? If the Green Ember ever gets a screen adaptation, how would you like to see it done? Feel free also to suggest any creatives you'd like to see involved, whether directors, writers, or actors.
*Doesn't read post* Whatever you do, make sure it's a cartoon and not live action.
I think a movie would be a great recreationg of the books. As a fan of the LOTR movies I think a 2+hr would be fine for older audiences and that younger could watch it over a few nights. There's also the option of a 1hr Serial in the style of the old westerns! That could be really cool. Options like Angel Studios are opening up and the Wingfeather saga has just gotten their TV show off the ground. I personally do think a movie would fit the story much better than other options except maybe the serial.
I'd certainly say it's a possibility. The trick is really, as you say, convincing a movie or TV studio that it would be worth investing in. The series is unexpectedly popular, but is it popular enough? Will the movie/show draw in people who haven't heard of or read the books before?
Of course, the person who could best answer the question as to the chances of things is S.D. Smith himself. If he's been approached by anyone regarding a film or series, we'd know that there's some interest.
I know it's been a while, but I'm trying to start up discussion again.😉Is it likely that something like this would ever happen? I'm the kind of person who wants to get things done, so the way I see it, we can theorize all we want, but we could also try to make this happen. Or at least figure out if it might happen someday. I know The Green Ember is one of the most popular kids' Christian books right now, and it's toward the top of children's books on Audible. It's way more popular than anyone thought it would ever be. So is it a possibility that at some point in time (key phrase right there), someone might make a GE movie or TV show? If so, how could we let them know that we would watch it?
I honestly am more in favor of a movie. I have seen arguments for TV show, but with the way the story runs, I think it would flow more smoothly in a movie format, however, maybe it would be a movie series (1 or more for each book). Maybe I'm just projecting my desire to always finish a project completely instead of in parts ^.^
I vote animated show, personally. A movie would likely be too expensive and even then probably wouldn't even go to theaters. It would have to have a direct-to-video release, which would mean that it likely wouldn't attract much attention beyond S. D. Smith's most loyal fans. In my opinion, a TV show would be much cheaper and far more attention-catching; even just airing the episodes on YouTube would, I think, be the far better choice.
I just hope it’s not animated
It would be so cheap looking compared the the things we can do with CGI
A full on animation show would probably be to cringey for me.
But CGI is a process meaning it wouldn’t stretch out that far
A movie or, as I said before, a musical would be the choices in my mind.
Someone mentioned Tom Holland as Picket a while back in a different post about actors—which sounds amazing, if not perfect, to me. He’s done a couple animated films lately, so you never know what could happen. I think a TV show would be the most desirable adaption for the Green Ember novels; and like you said, fitting the novellas in as flashbacks or temporary break-away episodes would be awesome. Using Joel Clarkson’s score would be epic.
A TV series would definitely fit the type of story the book tells and fit the best, 2d style animation, I would definitely watch it. Only problem you run into is that there's wars and violence in the stories, which would be tricky to put on a screen. While some things are fine to read, it's another to watch. But it would certainly be cool if it ever happened!
Wouldn't it be amazing if the score was written by Howard Shore or John Williams? S. D. Smith is friends with the Clarksons, so it's likely that Joel Clarkson could write the score. He's already released a Green Ember album.
I also think that a TV show would be the most preferable option as that would most likely leave the most room for details from the books and allow the story to be told in a fuller, richer way than if it was just some movies. But either way, I think it would be pretty cool if the Green Ember got adapted for the silver screen in any way, whether it be a movie or TV show.
I think it would be a good TV show, to mimic the chapters in each book, and also, an animated TV show about rabbits? We could always use another one.
I have been learning animation and I hope to maybe do a little voice acted scene soon!
maybe later this year I might set it up, probably after @Emerald of Hope ’s audio drama.