So i'm bored. and when that happens: i randomly fix cameras, write, or draw. i did them all today.
I sat in the Savory Den for several hours. Younglings played around me, hiding under tables and snatching Gort’s food. It reminded me of my own life as a youngling. At Kingston, First Warren, and on the run.
In Kingston i had had to work the coal mine, though not for long. Lord Blackstar had taught me how to use a bow, and I’d become a natural. My parents hadn’t cared much for me, and my only siblings had disappeared. I had spent my days with my friends Cassie and Jupie, and my cousins Joe and Levi.
And then Kingston had been attacked. After battle, My cousins and I had run away. We had spent long weeks on nothing but bread and morsels offered to us by friendly strangers. It had rained at least every other day and snowed twice. The nights were cold, and we never slept.
And then we came to First Warren. Adopted by Airen and Snoden Cove, we had had a shot at a normal life. I was apprenticed to Whittle Longtreader and accepted in the King’s Arm. I had made close friends, Whit, Ikker, and Meeker. But after half a year, the king fell and I found myself at Cloud Mountain.
I was snapped from my daydreams hearing voices. It was Wilfred Longtreader and Smalls. Wilfred sounded distressed, and Smalls worried. Doubts and fears pressed my mind, all fighting for recognition.
“Frye.” Wilfred spat, pronouncing each syllable with distaste, as if he had swallowed dirt.
“He needs time.” Smalls said, but he looked worried.
“I can’t believe it.” Wilfred tugged on his ears in frustration.
“I can. But it pains me to know how ununited we are.” Smalls placed his small hand on Wilfred’s shoulder.
“They believe that a trial will do me right.” Wilfred shrugged away Smalls.
“But your no traitor.” Smalls paced worriedly.
“I am. I should have seen it.” Wilfred spat.
“Garten hid his tracks well.” Smalls took Wilfred’s arm and led him away as the Savory Den started staring. I pulled on my ears.
Pacer came jogging up to me. He was with Andrew and Peter and carried his bow and sword.
“C’mon Cove.” Pacer said, tossing me a fresh quiver of arrows. “We’re going with the Bracers from Halfwind Citadel to the forest tower.”
“Aye.” I strapped on my quiver and locked it before grabbing my bow and following the rest of Cloud Mountain’s elite team.
The team was made up of the most elite rabbits in Cloud Mountain. Pacer’s team. We were proven bucks of the Forest Guard, specially trained for the greatest combats. We were archers and scouts, trained to the rough terrain of Cloud Mountain.
We followed our captain through the thin waterfall and past other guards. The mist hung lightly and heavy purple clouds pulsed with lightning above us. We made our way to a small group of archers from Halfwind Citadel. The bracers. Jo, Junder, Owen, Nate, and Owen were gathered around Captain Frye.
“This way.” Pacer led us deeper into the thick forest. Mist hung lazily around, occasionally lifting up and down. A thin sprinkling of rain erupted as an ominous boom of thunder welcomed us. We soon arrived at the forest hide.
Pacer motioned Andrew, Peter, and I to stand in the cover of the forest. It was an intense few minutes before Pacer motioned us into the clearing. We cut into a grove of trees as lightning flashed around the forest. Pacer led us into another clearing.
In a flash of light we cut into the trees on the other side. Pacer held up his hand, and we peered into the clearing. Our breath came slowly and loudly, though we tried to quiet it. Nothing. As Pacer was about to motion us into the forest, I caught sight of a small grey-gold buck crouching in the clearing.
“Picket?” Pacer asked in a whisper.
“N-no.” I stuttered. In horror I stared at the small rabbit. “It’s Kyle.”
Andrew and Peter gasped. Kyle turned to us, a panicked expression on his face.
“Run for your life!” Andrew shouted as Kyle drew his sword. We sprinted through the underbrush, training kicking in. We were trained for this terrain.
Andrew tripped behind me. With scarcely a backward glance I ran faster, like a normal panicked buck. I barely thought about what I was doing. I stopped myself, forcing a backward glance. Peter had saved Andrew, who wasn’t moving.
“Fleck! Peter! Andrew!” Pacer called. I thought about obeying orders. Last time I had obeyed an order like that, it had cost the life of King Jupiter. I wouldn’t endanger the life of Prince Andrew. I was the only one who knew his identity and I would protect him just like I protected Smalls, the heir.
I disobeyed Pacer. I ran back. I grabbed Andrew from the ground, slapping Peter from his stupor. We ran toward our frantic captain. Each step I hoped Andrew would wake up. But he didn’t.
We ran faster. I struggled and lagged behind at the extra weight. Just when I thought I couldn’t run anymore, Andrew woke up.
He squirmed free of my grip and started running. Andrew was wounded, but not bad. I soon caught up to my friends as we barreled through the forest. One backward glance confirmed my fears.
Instead of Kyle chasing us, three strong wolves churned the earth.
“Hurry!” I shouted, urging my fellows into a faster pace. We the grass from the ground and kicked stones over precipices. We tried to direct our panicked flight toward the watch tower.
As we tore rounded the bend into the clearing, we froze at what we saw. Two rabbits lay unmoving on the ground. Two dead wolves also lay on the ground.
sorry for the cliffhanger..
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I agree with @The Fowlers I think this is the best chapter in this fanfic yet!! The descriptions and dialogue are so good!!!! And oh the suspense.
Ahhh, this was the best!!!!!!!! Like the best chapter you have done yet!!! We love it!!! The details and everything we're great! And we want to say we're reading all your other stuff, just sometimes we don't have time to comment.
typo: it should have mentioned Studge. ah well.