One cry, one wound from deadly dart.
Fast flees the light from thy eyes.
Oh, if only it came through noble battle!
Instead, of treachery it was born.
Oh, if only by my hand thou wert saved!
Instead, death took thee, left me torn.
One moment, one gasp, then death took hold.
The rending of my heart began.
From thy blood such pain to me was given!
Its crimson tendrils feed my grief.
From thy blood such fire, too, ignited!
Such hate against thy lifeblood's thief.
What word with dying breath was uttered?
"Hope," formed gently on thy lips.
Hope, meant as thy final wisdom,
Much needed for my every dawn.
Hope, meant as thy life-long anthem
A creed for me to carry on.
You are GREAT at this!!