Well here's the next chapter, just a few more before we wrap it up...hope you guys like it!
He walked down the aisle hand in hand with Lea amidst cheers and clapping. He looked at her and smiled, they were now husband and wife. There was this happy, satisfied feeling inside, like he had found a missing piece to his heart. Like he was now fully restored, fully happy!
They stopped at he end of the aisle and Lea threw the bouquet over her shoulder. Jonathan turned to see who had caught, he saw Tawny holding it a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. He smiled at her she deserved it; she had been waiting on Josiah for a long time. Tawny came and hugged both of them and Lea smiled as she whispered, “You know what they say, it looks like we’ll be coming to your wedding next.”
Tawny looked down a smile on her face as she added, “If I can ever get him to say yes.”
Jonathan chuckled that was right, trying to pin down Josiah was like trying to catch a butterfly, it was nearly impossible. The does giggled and then he and Lea walked on. They received many congratulations and he received many slaps on the shoulder. He was happy, Lea was happy, his father and mother were old but happy, and his brothers were happy. It seemed the whole kingdom was happy. How could anything possibly go wrong?
Josiah was walking Tawny home after the wedding. She was carrying Lea’s bouquet which she had caught, and he knew what was coming next. They would talk about it. Argue about and part ways mad at each other again. He sighed, he liked Tawny, even loved Tawny, but he didn’t know if he was ready to get married, yeah sure he had been saying that for fifteen years, but still.
“Do we have to, Tawny?” He interrupted as he stopped walking and looked at her, begging her with his eyes not to do this. Not now, they were happy right now, weren’t they?
“Josiah, I have to….”
“Shush, no you don’t,” he said gently laying a finger on her lips. “We don’t have to talk about it right now, we’ll settle it all later.”
“Good, I’m glad you agree then,” Tawny said as she started walking again.
“Agree, to what?” He asked looking over at her uneasily he was pretty sure there was a misunderstanding somewhere and he or Tawny wasn’t going to like the outcome.
“Agree that we can be married soon and there’s no need for further discussion on the matter.” Tawny smiled at him, it was that smile she did when she thought she had him cornered, he loved and hated that smile.
“I didn’t say that Tawn…”
“Well what did you say then Mister Josiah Shanks?” She asked looking sternly at him.
“I said we don’t have to talk about it right now. I’m happy, you seem happy, and I’m just not sure I’m ready to get married yet.” Josiah looked at Tawny wondering what her response would be.
Tawny planted her feet and put her hands on her hips as she said, “You’ve been saying that for fifteen years Josiah Shanks and we ain’t getting any younger!”
“Well we’re not old so waiting a little longer couldn’t hurt,” Josiah said shrugging as he started to walk off. Tawny didn’t follow so he turned to face her.
She stood there hands still on her hips, feet still firmly planted, but there were tears in her eyes as she said, “I’m tired of waiting Josiah.”
He stood still for a minute looking at Tanwy’s sad, tired face, maybe she was right. Maybe he should just get married and settle down. He walked toward her and embraced her as he said, “Alright, my patient doe, alright you win.”
“Really?” Came the questioning muffled reply from his shoulder.
“Yes, we can be married right after I get back from the war, peace isn’t here yet and The Right Arm still has a little bit left to do, after that’s done, we can be married.”
Tawny pushed away from him and smiled up into his face. He was flooded with an overwhelmingly happy feeling. Why hadn’t he done this sooner. When he finished with The Right Arm, he would marry Tawny and they would live a happy life. What could possibly go wrong?
Joseph sat at a table in the Inn near the square. It was a lively happy place ran by an older buck, his wife, and their son. There was always music and many story tellers who could tell fantastic tales of old, but anymore the stories were of King Jupiter. Joseph smiled sadly; he missed the old stories. He liked hearing about King Jupiter, but he had been there, with the King, and had seen the stories firsthand, therefore he knew the sadness behind the heroism. The losses and lives given, the fear, and everything else came from fighting in the war. He shook his head to clear the unpleasant memories that came flooding back.
He then looked to his brothers who were at the table with him. This was the last night they had together before he and Josiah went to join back up with their separate units. Jonathan would be staying here in First Warren, with the reserves of the army. King Jupiter had said he was done fighting but he did not want to disband the army in case they needed it in the future.
He watched as Josiah leaned back in his chair and smiled at them before saying, “I did it.”
“Did what?” Jonathan asked, setting his cup down.
“I asked Tawny to marry me, or rather she forced me to ask,” Josiah chuckled then said, “We’ll be married as soon as I get done with The Right Arm. I told Lord Captain Helmer and he said he would release me when he no longer needed me, he did say it might be awhile, but…” Josiah shrugged.
“Congratulations, Josiah,” Joseph said, as he looked the room over, he knew in just a moment what would happen.
“When are you going to settle down, Joseph?” Jonathan asked.
Bingo there it was, the question of the hour. The answer was he didn’t know, but his brothers always wanted to know. He was happy right now working with Ambassador Longtreader and he really didn’t see the need to get married. “Never, probably. I like the work I’m doing with Ambassador Longtreader, Lieutenant Longtreader, and Second Lieutenant Longtreader. I’m happy and don’t see or feel the need to marry right now.”
Josiah smiled and said, “I understand, felt like that for a long time myself.”
Joseph gave him a smile, Josiah wasn’t pushy about that sort of stuff and it didn’t seem like Jonathan was going to be either today, good.
But then Jonathan spoke, “Doesn’t it get confusing?”
“What?” Joseph asked he was confused.
“All the Longtreader’s, you know Ambassador, Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, all Longtreader’s,” Jonathan smiled and laughed. Joseph and Josiah joined him.
Joseph then answered, “Sometimes, but usually it’s just Ambassador Longtreader and Lieutenant Longtreader, Second Lieutenant Longtreader was transferred to the office. He’s getting married soon and wanted to be close and not traveling as much, plus he likes paperwork.”
“Well at least we know were not the only ones that are confusing,” Josiah said as he added, “Poor King Jupiter, its probably hard to keep all those Longtreader’s straight.” They all laughed, and Joseph knew he was happy. He had his brothers, his purpose, and the future was looking grand. What could possibly go wrong?
Well there's the chapter for this week, hope you guys liked it!
Is Josiah one of Helmets bucks? Because if he is I have a um... feeling. 😬😳 I like stories with pain (It draws you closer to the characters and makes it seem more realistic), but it still hurts. 😢🙂