So this is another answer the question thingamabob. Sorry.
Question One
If someone had to die:
Helmer the Black
Smalls Jupiterson (assuming he's alive)
Picket Longtreader
Heather Longtreader
Question Two
If someone had to die:
Jo Shanks
Uncle Wilfred
Maggie Weaver
Question Three
If someone had to betray the cause:
Heather Longtreader
Picket Longtreader
Helmer the Black
Question Four
If they had to be together:
Kyle(n) and Heather #Keather
Helmer and Lady Glen
Smalls and Emma (assuming there not siblings of course)
Question Five
If someone had to turn good:
Garten Longtreader
Redeye (If he was alive. There aren't many BAD guys in TGE)
Please answer with a reason of why it was/wasn't hard. For instance:
My answers:
Heather: because I can't do the others
Maggie Weaver: It would be less sad because she's an older rabbit
Emma: Because it sounds awesome. And maybe she turns back
#Keather: because it's unpredictable, and I like Kyle
Garten: As long as he turns back/dies soon after
Have fun!
Or don't!
I don't really care!
1. Probably Helmer, though prefer doing something crazy like taking one of the Five or a whole bunch of enemies with him.
2. Probably Wilfred; he seems the most likely of the good Longtreaders not to make it.
3. You literally picked four rabbits I can’t imagine betraying the Cause, unless it’s part of some ploy to lead the bad guys into a trap or set up a double cross.
4. Helmer and Lady Glen, because #Heals needs to happen.
5. You mean there aren’t many NAMED bad guys who are still ALIVE in the series; they have a habit of getting killed in the same book where they‘re introduced. Personally I would have included-and picked-Kylen. Of your options, Garten, though it seems a stretch.
1: Heather... because she's... IDK, not a huge fan.
2: Maggie Weaver. She's the least cool
3: You monster for making this! Picket!
4: Helmer and Glen (blech, but still)
5: Garten. Because the rest are gross.
If someone had to die:
Helmer the Black. As much as I would hate it and I hate to say it, he’s the oldest, he’s lived the longest, and he has the least to lose. And I just can’t kill the others…………😖
If someone had to die:
You have no idea how much I HATE myself for saying this, but……Maggie Weaver. She’s old and enigmatic and dying alongside Edward would be heartbreaking but sweet.
If someone had to betray the cause:
Heather Longtreader. She’d give away the least AND we can count on her to always come back. #Smalls
If they had to be together:
Helmer and Lady Glen. I ship #Heals and #Jemma too hard to break them up.
If someone had to turn good:
Garten Longtreader. I’ve been saying this all along—there’s got to be way more to him than what we’ve seen so far. #SeverusSnape?
Imagine if Maggie dies right after the reunion and how Edward would feel... I think I'm crying.
1. Helmer: I don't want any of them to die! But Helmer is the best worst choice.
2. Emma: See above
3. I don't ship any of those, but since I ship Smalls and Heather, I guess I'll choose Helmer/Lady Glen
4. ...Do I have to? I guess Emma, even though I really like her, because any of the others turning evil would be even worse. (I guess I'm somewhat fine with Helmer dying, but not with him betraying the cause)
5. Garten, I've wanted him to turn good the whole time, but I think it's unrealistic.