This is a strange idea I've been sitting on for quite a while. If the rabbits suddenly transformed into humans, what would they look like? What colour would Heather's hair be? How tall would Helmer be?
Heather: Average height, pale skin (since her fur was white), probably blonde, blue eyes. She would have a definite scar on her arm or face because human ears aren't as significant.
Picket: Average height, close to his sister's, tanner skin though, light brown messy hair. He would be pretty rugged looking.
Helmer: Taller, about 6' 4"(did I write that right?), Dark skinned, short black hair or none. He would be strongly built, obviously.
Smalls: Around 6' 0", pale-skinned, blonde. Would look... like a prince I guess. As Tolkien would describe as, "proud faced"
Someone drew Heather and Picket as people. If I'm allowed to post it, tell me!
Helmer is easy! This is what I think he would look like:
I think the color of each character's hair would corrrespond to their fur color, with white fur being light blond. This is fun to picture!
WAIT. Remember that Helmer is called Helmer The Black. Let that sink in...
(Sorry, I am not trying to race sensitive...)
I don't know why I read "what would green ember characters look like IRS" XD
I can totally picture these and it works for the characters!
Heather: Average height, pale skin (since her fur was white), probably blonde, blue eyes. She would have a definite scar on her arm or face because human ears aren't as significant.
Picket: Average height, close to his sister's, tanner skin though, light brown messy hair. He would be pretty rugged looking.
Helmer: Taller, about 6' 4"(did I write that right?), Dark skinned, short black hair or none. He would be strongly built, obviously.
Smalls: Around 6' 0", pale-skinned, blonde. Would look... like a prince I guess. As Tolkien would describe as, "proud faced"