We were going to put this on the blog, but we’re not writers and we got tired of waiting. Not being mean we know the CL’s are busy and we’re just not very patient...lol...
‘So hope you guys enjoy the trivia, we’ll wait three days before putting the answers on. Of course just leave your answers in the comments and please no cheating off the internet, other people’s answers, your family, or the books, and no going back and changing your answers. Okay now that that is out of the way here’s the trivia...😀😀😀
A character from the Tales of old Natalia and a character from The Green Ember share the Same first name and a similar last name, what are their names?
Which character has a first name that is also a hobby?
Which character’s name is too close to Morbin for comfort?
What are the names of the twins Heather was taking care in the hospital at Halfwind?
What character’s name (from The Tales of Old Natalia) rhymes with Cassie? (Don’t over think it...lol...)
And just for fun: Which character has a name that rhymes with farten? (If you get this one wrong then you really don’t know your GE...lol...😂😂😂)
Side note we have five more questions, this is round one, round two is harder...thought we’d start slow and easier...
1 and 2. Can’t think of them
3. Morgan
4. Luken and Elsa Willow
5. Massie