Picket was afraid of heights and birds when we first met him, both fears he overcame. But in the last book he was struggling with a new fear, a fear of letting others down... Sometimes we have fears we can overcome and sometimes we can't get over them...but we're challenging you to name a few of your fears, then to pick one to try and overcome.
We'll go first...
The oldest of us K. P. has a fear of falling, closely related to a fear of heights and is because she fell of the monkey bars when she was six. She has a fear of being trapped, and a fear of letting people down. She picks trying to overcome her fear of letting people down.
M. P. has a fear of being trapped and big crowds because she get's overheated easy and it makes her sick, she picks to try and overcome her fear of crowds, which is going to be hard to do since your not allowed to gather in big crowds right now...lol...
J. P. has a fear of falling, being trapped, and a fear of drowning because she almost drowned in a pool when she was three. She picks to try and overcome her fear of drowning.
So there are ours, if you comment we'll check back in two weeks and see how everybody did...
I did fine... I'm getting better and less scared of falling...
I thought about it every once in a while so at least I sort of remembered to work on it, and thankfully I'm improving at being put on the spot in front of a lot of people... it happened several times, and I'm getting more comfortable with it. PtL! (What went with that but that I didn't mention at first was speaking up for myself, and I'm also getting a little better at that.)
Okay so we forgot about this post, well sort of, we would remember and then we got on the site we would forget...lol....anyway we failed within the first week for K.A. P. and the others just failed... cause we didn't go swimming or go anywhere with large crowds...so how did everyone else do?
@Saraina @Jo Longtreader @Bearer of the Flame @Power and @TGEFanForever ....
Are we gonna do this or not? I want to see how everyone did.
LOL! My sisters, friends, and I were talking about how we could torture each other. Mine is: put me in a room full of spiders, snakes, and gorillas, and then you will get me to tell you anything.
Some of my fears are getting into small dark places and getting stuck or smashed (and no I haven't been playing in trash compactors), heights, and roaches. I believe though that some fears are healthy (Not all). If you are scared of something dangerous I think it's ok. You should be scared of certain things, but you shouldn't dwell on the fear.
I have a fear about being left behind, a fear about how dark the world seems, and fear speaking up... I'll try looking at things with more positivity
Cool idea and challenge! I relate with all your fears (@JoLongtreader too), especially drowning and falling - pretty tragic! I have a fear of being put on the spot in front of a group of people and loosing people (friendships, etc). I'll pick being put on the spot in front of a group of people. Oh, and another of my fears is saying my fears!!!
I have a fear of falling, and a fear of drowning. I have a pool and am in it a lot, but if I run out of breath underwater, I freak out.