"Friends Forever." Everyone agrees that Picket is friends with both Emma and Weezie. But no one agrees that Picket likes one. Some people believe that Picket should marry Weezie. Conversely, others believe that he should marry Emma.
Picket should marry Emma for three reasons: He is friends with her. Heather and Smalls. And would be more famous.
The first reason Picket should marry Emma is that he is friends with her. She has a nickname for him. He has been friends with Emma longer. And if he doesn't, it would be awkward.
The second reason Picket should marry Emma is about Heather and Smalls. If he married Emma, and Heather married Smalls, they would be brother and sister-in-law. Heather doesn't know Weezie. And Smalls would be happy.
The third and final reason Picket should marry Emma is that he would be more famous and there are a few things wrong with Weezie. He would become a king or a prince. Weezie had almost shot him. And he would own the green ember.
Here are reasons the other side would give:
The first reason Picket should marry Weezie is what about Helmer. Helmer would love to have Picket in his family. This is inadequate because Picket wants to protect the rulers. And marrying Emma, would help him more.
The second reason why he should is what about Weezie. Weezie would be sad. This is inadequate because Emma would be more heartbroken.
Picket should marry Emma for these three reasons: He is friends with her. Picket and Emma. And he would be more famous. This matters to Picket because this is a huge dicision.
lol yus @Flynn-the-Gray-Warrior !
@Ginny Weezly we must stay strong!
@Kilmarnock228 Good speech mate!
And the only shipping wars I will gladly lay down life in is.
#Jemma or #Jother ?
@Zanni Werthison I feel the need to point out some flaws in your argument. As you’ve said, Picket and Emma are FRIENDS; while that type of relationship can become romantic, it doesn’t always. He and Heather are already blood siblings; them being in-laws as well would honestly be weird. And it’s been established that Picket doesn’t care about fame: he cares about the Cause. Furthermore, if something happened to Smalls, Emma would become ruler, not him.
Weezie thought Picket was part of an evil regime that murdered her father and sister and had threatened to murder her; how would you have reacted? Marrying into the royal family wouldn’t really help him protect them; he’d be one of them and therefore in need of protection. As for Emma being heartbroken, we don’t know that she had romantic feelings for Picket, and even if she did she’d get over it; that sort of thing happens.
Of course, I support @LuvGreenEmber ’s view that this shipping war has gotten out of hand.
Why would Picket own the Green Ember?
I said I would pull the white flag so...
Oh, but that IS what I meant to say,
*Starts to laugh as if she was now Daggler*
*sigh* @LuvGreenEmber That is true, but on the bright side we can always go drown every one in the Fan Fiction site right?
I'm sorry guys. This debate is becoming tedious. We just need to wait till book four, I guess. (I mean, we all know that Picket is going to end up with Weezie no matter what, right?)
why are you doing this to me.
lol good job on the writing.
but I am DONE with this talk.
I am no longer going to be a part of this #emmet or #Peezie thingy.
Truce anyone?
Very good! *applauds*
Great persuasive essay!! 👏👏