Hi guys!
I haven't been on here in a while. I have been thinking a lot about this question, and I have come up with an answer. Before I read the Green Ember, I would read, but I never really enjoyed reading. But once I fell in love with the Green Ember, I have grown to really love reading. I have read some amazing books just because the Green Ember encouraged me to read more. It also gave me courage too! I have learned a lot from the characters. And now, I am devoted to helping kids, who aren't interested in reading, help them to love reading. So, I was just wondering if the Green Ember has changed your life.
Not really. I like it, and it's a good book with a good message, but not me....
I'm not sure.
Like @Saraina we wouldn't say it changed our lives but definitely made an impact on us. We first started reading GE cause our mom was trying to get Rissy and Jaidie to read more....we we're like no. But then she said just to give it a try and we did....we fell in love and it made us start writing more, and then a few months later we had to move. The move was quick, and sudden....one day we're at our house the next day we had to leave. While staying at someone's house and waiting for our parents to find somewhere for us to stay we started rereading GE....man, how it helped! We felt like Heather and Picket, whisked away from all we knew....so we could relate...it also kept us busy....we acted GE, played GE, draw GE, sang the songs, and it was what we needed to keep from despairing...
So there's that....
This is rather random, but I have friends who literally will not even try reading it and it's so annoying lol! They say people keep shoving it in their faces and they don't want to read it. Any of you have ideas for what I could say that would make them interested in reading it? lol I know I can't force them, but I just know they would be surprised by how good it is.
I started reading GE two-three years ago. it didn't really hit me. and then, this summer, i was having a kinda rough week. my mom had put Ember Falls on hold from the library and i didn't know. And then i read it. i remember very vividly reading the whole thing in one day. And always, it sort of gave me courage. i read the rest of the series, falling in love with the story.
But it was one quote that has helped me through Covid 19; well, maybe two quotes. Blackstar's oath, and the one quote of Landers from the prolouge of Ember Rising.
so yes, it has changed my life.
Interesting question! (Also that is so wonderful that you are devoted to helping kids who aren't interested in reading to love reading!) Mmmm, I don't really know. It hasn't necessarily changed my life, but it's more of added to it, if you know what I mean. It's made my life richer and so many of the quotes from the different books in the series have been encouraging and helpful! So I would say it's added to my life, not changed it. Although it did change how I viewed books about animals; I guess it's made me even more open to books like that, lol.