This is probably more a case of "setting" than "location", but that seemed like the best categorical fit.
The biggest question to be answered, in my opinion, is whether or not we're talking the same levels of conflict. If we still have massive armies involved, then Helmer, Picket, and the rest are all still probably soldiers. On the other hand, if the wolves, Wrongtreaders, and such are just outlaw gangs, then our bucks would probably be more like marshals, sheriffs, deputies, etc. The Terralains seem like they'd work best as Native Americans, but maybe that's just me.
Obviously, you'd have to replace the monarchy system with something more culturally appropriate. Maybe Bleston ran for governor of the Natalia Territory only to lose out to his younger brother Jupiter. Perhaps Jupiter left behind a will that nobody can find, leaving various parties scrambling over his considerable property. Garten could be a crooked lawyer, forging documents and exploiting legal technicalities to make Winslow and/or Bleston seem like legitimate claimants to the office once held by Jupiter.
The secret citadels and First Warren would be towns or cities on the frontier, with the various lords serving as mayors. Again depending on the conflict scale, the Lead Captains would likely be either sheriffs or commanders of forts adjacent to each town. Daggler would be a corrupt one of these. Akolan would be a mine worked by slave labor, the predators unaware that some of their slaves have discovered natural tunnels providing a possible means of escape.
And, let's face it: Heyna would totally be that society lady in a fancy dress and feathered hat, all beauty and grace and charm-up until she whips out her custom made pistol.
One potential issue with this concept would be that Picket would be even more overpowered than he is in canon. Like, every fight turns into that oft-parodied scene from Indiana Jones.
I love this idea! Totally! Let's goo green ember western!
I would totally read this 🤣 I LOVE westerns and what better thing than to cross them with one of the best books series ever?!
so quick question can I
Can I write this?
Rabbits with swords or rabbits with bowie knives?
Lol this is a very fun idea! What if the fowlers were not a group of soldiers, but just a radom gang that worked on taking out bad gangs? I feel like the story would end up being a bit diferent lol what if Heather meets Smalls because he got hurt and almost passes out when he walks in to her office? I can only see Heather being like: "Oh good heavens! Sir what has happened?" Smalls collapes onto the ground. * Later after Heather has helped Smalls with a gun shot to the shoulder? idk. "Thank you miss, I am sorry if I gave you scare I had been riding (Idk would there be horses?) like that for almost a hour" I am laughing so hard seeing Smalls in this western get up talking with a southern draw, lol I cant.
And YES THAT WOULD SO BE HEYNA I LOVE IT. Mean while Emma is over one the side with her bloody apron smiling down at some very nicely done stitches she put into Jo's head.
Oh so you are going to explain this thought further 😂😂
I would unironically read this tho 😂