So I was doing some thinking, and noted some things about the various secret citadels. So far as the books have indicated, we have six, or eight if you count the Citadel of Dreams and the Seventh District.
Cloud Mountain
Command Structure: None; Lord Rake was murdered and has yet to be replaced, while Pacer has either defected to or been captured by the Terralains.
Forces: Presumably diminished due to the wolf attack and the Battle of Rockback Valley.
Status: Abandoned
Command Structure: No citadel lord, but several active officers.
Forces: Presumably reduced due the Attack on Halfwind and the Battle of Rockback Valley.
Status: Unknown; don’t know if it’s been emptied out or if there are still rabbits there.
Command Structure: Lord Victor remains active, but we know little of the rest of its personnel.
Forces: Probably in as good a shape as those of any of the main six citadels.
Status: See Halfwind.
Command Structure: Lord Ronan remains active, and a Captain Brone was mentioned in The Last Archer.
Forces: Probably in decent shape, seeing as Ronan’s been a j e r k and not been contributing much until the Battle for First Warren.
Status: Same as Halfwind.
Command Structure: No citadel lord following Hewson’s death and that of Captain Redthaw, though Captain Parn seems to be in charge for now.
Forces: Reduced due to fever and losses taken fighting the Wild Wolves.
Status: Same as Halfwind.
Command Structure: Lord Morgan is active, but no other personnel are known after Lord Booker’s apparent death.
Forces: Apparently pretty hammered through various losses.
Status: Same as Halfwind.
Seventh District
Command Structure: Tunneler Whittle Longtreader and a ruling council.
Forces: Possibly the best of any resistance force in Natalia.
Status: Prepping for mass escape from Akolan.
Citadel of Dreams
Command Structure: Captain Moonlight, with Whit as his apparent second-in-command.
Forces: Badly reduced as a result of First Warren‘s occupation and the battle to retake it from Morbin.
Status: Destroyed
It’ll be interesting to see what bec of the citadel forces in what is expected to be the final book of the main series.
wasn't Captain Frye put in charge of halfwind though?