guys it's snowing again!!!!!!!! or trying too!!!!!!!
oh and @Jo4life please come back!!!!!!!! we need you!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and this is Whit falling from a tree never walk on a cracked branch
because this happens
and then you have to get annoying older siblings
@Jo4life @Jo4life please come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and lastly, a teaser from my fanfic:
Morbin loomed over the members of the RFA, spreading distruction. Each rabbit was cut from the air with such force. I closed my eyes to focus on what my plan was. A sentence flashed in my mind: the foe must fall.
I took a deep breath. It was dangerous and I would probably be killed in the process, but I knew it must be done. My eyes snapped open. I turned to leap, but I felt a tug on my arm.
{don't hate me}
More!!! The pics are great and the teaser.....ooooooohhhhhhh......