Ok. let's break this down.
I have had cameras for 4 years. that was a lot of photos. and I've been taking pictures.
these are all from Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and [maybe] Nebraska.
if I see a landscape that reminds me of Natalia, I take the picture. and now I'm organizing my thoughts in a post.
So yeah. this is a surprise. let's begin.
Y'all probably think different things about the landscape of Natalia. I live in the mountains. the rocky mountains. this is how i picture Natalia.
first stop: Pueblo, CO
The Whitmer River! this picture was taken in February 2020 in Pueblo. please ignore the train in the background. this is how I imagine the Whitmer River [see GE book 1] in the winter.
are there bridges in Natalia? well, this could be one!
February 2020, Pueblo, Colorado.
a marsh or more watery landscape, as in the area surrounding Blackstone [in my imagination]
February 2020 Pueblo
a lake. Lake Merle?
the far bank looks a little like a dam and the tower could be first Warren..
Black Lake? [I haven't read AC yet so i don't really know. I'm just over here with the maps from the books...
let's leave Pueblo now.
next destination: Garden of The Gods.
here we go! maybe the landscape by Halfwind Citadel. or a tree.,
moving on. again. our next destination is the mountain of CO
the high bleaks!!!
Kingston area?
Picket's farm!!
let's move on.
our next destination: the Colorado plains!!
a farm this could be Picket's farm before the mended wood.
a mountain in the bleaks??
let's move on again!!
our next destination: just a pretty sunrise!!
this isn't actually a part of this post, just something to hopefully make you smile.
again, let's go!
next destination on our virtual trip: Garden Park Fossil thingy, Canon city CO!
it says the date and time.. lol.. silly time stamp..
area of Halfwind?
Halfwind too!
were moving on!
to: Bishop's Castle, San Isabelle National Forest, CO
could be the palace of first warren!
the balconies are wire and you're like : "AAH I'm gonna fall through!"
Camp site. could be GE I guess.
moving on!
to: my home, September 2020. we had extreme smoke.
this being the inspiration for Hazelah, it also reminded me of smoky Nick Hollow in book 1.
Next destination: Divide, CO
a bird. a hawk. could be Gern. or Morbin. at my nana's.
and that's west wood at my nana's. please ignore the house, that is not my nana's hers is a wood cabin 1970ish...
you can see the hawk in the tree if you look closely.
could Be Cloud Mountain.
moving on!
next destination: Cripple Creek, CO
we thought this looked like a hobbit hole.. ah well.. it does..
anyway, Harbone Forest!
Harbone too!
Akolan Mine shaft, anyone?
light at the end of the tunnel! [mine shaft]
Next destination: San Louis Lake, Great Sanddunes CO
bird in the water.. could be Ayman Lake
marshes... Bog of the bleaks?
salt flat thingies.. the waste?
next stop: The Gerat Sanddunes, CO
in the bleaks?
next stop: Somewhere I don't remember, CO
cloud Mountain?
Cloud Mountain?
next stop: Garden of the Gods [again,] CO
next!: Pikes Peak, CO
I always say it looks like Cloud Mountain..
Next destination: section 16! CO
terrain of Cloud Mountain.
I've been twice, both in the spring, and the ice is treacherous
next!: Capulin Volcano, New Mexico
the Waste?
Red Valley?
mountain around Cloud Mountain?
next!: Some River [I think it was the white?] Utah!
River Flint
also River Flint!
I did this for 2 reasons:
1) I had to get my Natalia terrain organized.
2) I thought it'd be a cool idea.
there will be another post like this, give it time. this post took a looong time..
Wow that is a really cool idea!!! I could really imagine that those places were actually in GE!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!!