Hey everyone! I think it would be fun to introduce ourselves, (more than we have in comments of fanart and fanfiction) by using S.D's bio that's in his FAQ. If there aren't questions you want to answer don't!
Name: Naomi
Goes by: Omi but only my family calls me that... you guys can call me Irish girl, Harp, or HORSE LOVER!
Family born into: mom daddy 3 older sisters. yes, I am the youngest in my family!
Fav books: GE, Narnia, Horse Diaries, and THE BIBLE! of course!
Sport: horsemanship, volleyball
Fav food: chicken nuggets, burgers, and pizza.
Fav fast food/ restaurant: Freddy's, Longhorn, and Mcallister's.
Fav Veggie: carrots.
Fav Treat: Grape flavored gum.
Handed: left.
Fav Colors: clover green
Hobbies: writing, reading, violin, and jamming out on YouTube.
Fav Author: S.D.Smith, C.S. Lewis. John McArthur, and God of course
Animals and their names: german Sheperd: Jag; he's my squishy! cat: Yzma; she is so sweet!
Religion: Reformed protestant!
And with that! God Bless!😄