Hey folks! So I wanted to share something that's kind of hard to talk about, and something that's affected my life a lot lately. As I'm sure you can guess by the title, it's Depression. Early last August, my Dad was diagnosed with liver cancer. It had completely blindsided us, as my Dad hadn't shown any symptoms, and came as a shock. Since then he's started chemo and immunotherapy, treatments I'm sure most of you have a vague idea of. My mental health took a dive. A sharp dive. I've struggled with anxiety and occasional suicidal ideation all throughout my tween and teen years, but this.......well, it set it off. I sank into depression. Bad. It got so bad I seriously began considering suicide when I was at my lowest moments. I couldn't sleep, I wasn't interested in anything, my motivation dropped, as I'm sure y'all could tell by my lack of posting.
That all sounds awful, right?
It is.
All of it.
But one thing I've learned in my struggle with fear, hopelessness, and the desire to die, is that you can pick for it to go one of two ways. You can choose for it to push you away from God, to scream at Him and demand why-which doesn't help, by the way, trust me I've tried it-or you can keep pursuing Him. For four years I did the first, and my life was miserable. I didn't realize how miserable. Then, last Spring, I had what I can only describe as a 'Mountain-top experience'. On my birthday, none the less. I was baptized at age ten, but I didn't truly know God then. I knew of Him. And it wasn't until He broke my heart that I knew Him. Sometimes that's the way it works-your heart has to shatter before you truly understand. That was-and is-how it was for me. I rode the euphoria from the encounter for about four months, and then, well, my Dad's diagnosis hit, bringing me painfully back to reality.
My Anxiety and Depression, which I had thought gone, came rushing back full-force and worse than ever before. This isn't a feel-good story. I'm not trying to make it one. I'm not living a sunshine and rainbows life, it's more of a one-day-at-a-time kind of life. The fact is that being a Christian isn't easy, and often you don't get 'blessings', or at least what the world considers blessings. In many ways I consider my depression a blessing-because I have to rely fully on God, simply to make it to the next day. Does that mean that I want to feel this way? Absolutley not. I'd love it if it went away. But it's not going to, right now, at least. Our trials are blessings. That's a tough pill to swallow, and for a long time I didn't understand what Jesus meant when He said 'And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me', nor many of the teachings of suffering in the Bible. I hadn't suffered, truly, before. I had troubles, but not like this. And the fact is that having faith-being a good person, following the law-won't keep you from suffering. That's not the way this works. Sometimes God just says 'Not yet. Soon child, but not yet'. Suffering teaches us to rely solely on God, to trust him even when in the valley. Suffering is hard, but it's worth it, and I know it won't last forever. This is not a happy story-not yet. It will be, but not yet.
I wrote this poem several weeks ago during one of the rougher nights. It's not a happy poem-there's no cheerful ending, no lifting of the burden-but that's not why I wrote it. I wrote it primarily for myself, to put my feelings to words as best I could, and partially because I hoped to share it with those who need it. Here it is.
There’s two kinds of emotions, the quiet and the loud,
I used to have the second-quiet’s mostly how it is now.
The quiet emotions are the deeper ones, the ones that stake you through the heart, when nothing will ever be alright again and you rake your skin with stinging darts.
When you’re still up at night, scrolling till two AM,
And coffee keeps you alive enough to stare at papers and hope that no one notices-
And somehow that becomes your whole existence.
But it’s there in the corners of your eyes even when you smile,
It’s there even when you are flying so high you’re almost in denial.
It’s there when things feel better, and crushes you when they’re worse,
It’s there when you sit on the bathroom floor and wonder if you’re a curse.
It’s there when I swallow my food, past this lump that lives in my throat,
It’s there when I think about my knives and the skin my wrist wears as a coat.
It’s there when I pray, when I think, when I laugh,
It’s there when I’m at church, at home, at class.
It never leaves, but I distract myself, find ways to cope-
And pray to God above that somehow He knows.
It’s still there when I write, when I try to do my school,
It’s there when I sob silently and when I just lose my cool.
It’s there when my masacara runs down my cheeks,
It’s there when I feel like I haven’t smiled in weeks
It’s there when I put on a façade for my friends
And know that most friendships really do end.
It’s there in my knowledge of how cruel the world is,
It’s there in my heartache for those on the wrong list
It’s there with my tics,
It’s there with my foolhardy tricks
It’s there even when the weight seems lifted
But it’s always still crushing me underneath it.
My emotions are quiet, now, yes, silent and steady when I wear this mask.
I’ve learned to be silent, to not burden others, be a helpful, perfect, honorable daughter.
I don’t resent you for that, I want you to know, I’m not angry things happen, you’re not my foes.
I just don’t know how I can keep going on when everything everywhere seems so wrong, when the only thing I want is the thing I must wait for it’s been 2000 years what are You waiting for?
You say You are with us well where is the proof? I know You exist I have Your truth but why do You wait what else is left?
2000 years, Father, please just come back.
I’m sick of this world and grieved by their attacks.
I’m just being honest, trying to chase answers-not even Your own Kingdom is unified!
Why do you let us get away with these lies?
It’s this thing that is here day after day after day, crawling through my veins, feeding on my over-worked brain.
Then anger.
Then fear.
It’s the thing that follows me no matter what I do.
It’s the thing that grins with too-sharp teeth and stages violent coups.
It’s quiet and stubborn and teaches harsh lessons,
It’s the feeling of hopelessness when I swallow back my questions.
I hope this helped y'all. Have a blessed day :)
Beautiful piece. My pastor just preached a message Wednesday called, “Thank you adversity.” It reminds me of you beginning statements, about how Hod may be testing you to make sure you are ready for larger ways to be used in the kingdom. New levels, new Devils. It may seem really difficult now, but in the future, you may be able to write a poem titled, “Thank you depression.” But things don’t just get better overnight. I know you know this. But what helped me when I was depressed was getting closer to God. But also when I was in my depression I put out some of my best work, as you have done today. I had to push myself, and in doing so, I even won a state engineering competition. Once this happened, I saw myself in a healthier, happier way. Before this, I had struggled with confidence, as my Dad left when I was barely 7. It was tough, and I didn’t understand it, why he would cheat, why he would forsake God. Now, we have a healthy relationship, but I have to love him from a distance. The Bible says not to be unequally yoked, and evil communications corrupt good manners. And once you are over the depression, it still pops up somedays, but instead of embracing like I used to, I try to push it away. Back in my Middle School years, I would embrace say I could feel something. Anything. Even if it hurt. But it was unhealthy, and by embracing the negative emotions, it actually blocked the good ones from coming in. Most of this is just rambling, but maybe on the off chance, it will help someone. Once you are out, never go back, which is something I’m trying to have as a constant. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and I’m almost the happiest I’ve been in my life. (Before these last two weeks) I feel myself slipping back into it sometimes, but I keep reminding myself of that I don’t have that time to waste doing that, so I consider myself in a good place right now. This may be a test from God to see if I’m really ready, and I want to pass with flying colors. The journey may be long, but joy comes in the morning. Joy also comes in the mourning, once you are filled healed. Not just healed, like the lepers, but made whole like the one who came back and worshipped Jesus. He takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it for good. Good luck in your future endeavors, may God bless you and your family.
My place beside you, my blood for yours, till the Green Ember rises, or the end of the world. -Kaybo
Also; here's a few songs that have helped me through things
This is a very beautiful and heart-wrenching poem, and one that is painfully relatable for me, as someone who has also struggled with depression and suicidal ideation.
I will continue to keep your dad in my prayers, and I'm always there for you to talk to ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear all that! I'll be praying for you and your family!
That's a beautiful, sad, and very real poem.
I know I barely know you at all, but I'm here if you need a friend <3