Well. For a while, I've been thinking that the song "To The Dreamers" by For King and Country fits the Green Ember series very well. So I'm attempting to make a fan art video with this song. However. I need help figuring out some things with the lyrics. There are places in the song where... well, I'll just show you what I mean.
We're beat up but won't be broken
Lonesome but always searching
Homesick but nobody's heading home soon
I would like to have pictures of certain characters on as these words play, but I need help figuring out some of them. So what I have so far is:
We're beat up but won't be broken Heather
Lonesome but always searching Galt
Homesick but nobody's heading home soon Picket
Long days and too many short nights Emma
And wrong ways that almost felt right Perkinson
Lovesick but no one you're holding on to Jo
God knows you question your courage Smalls
And some days I can't walk for stumbling Weezie
If we could only see what we're becoming Whittle
If you have an idea of what characters to put to these lyrics, please tell me!
Also, if you have fan art you're willing to have me use, tell me! I can find it on my own, but I don't want to use your art without your permission.
If this video turns out, maybe I'll do more. There's more songs I think fit the series really well, but we'll have to see.
Have a great day!
I can draw Picket!
ok soo @Stella Mae could I do Weezie or Perkinson? for this? Would u want me to do digital art for this I don't care just wondering! :)
i would love to draw a rabbit for this!
i think smalls fits in on the this part
God knows you question your courage.
what do u think?😊
Don't have any ideas so far, still thinking it over, but I love this idea and I can't wait to see the result! where will the videos be posted?
Ooo sounds cool! I haven’t posted much art, but anything you want to use, have at it (most of it isn’t colored, hehe..)! I am working on an animation with Picket for a video with him and Helmer… not sure if you’re wanting any animation, but if you do let me know. I’ve been wanting to help out with GE community art/videos stuff, so anyway I can be of service, just tell me!
Ok ok, maybe you can put Kyle/Kylen on “If we could only see what we’re becoming”? And for “God knows your question your courage” you can put a pic Heyward… Perhaps Weezie or Smalls for “And some days I can’t walk for stumbling”.
You can use my fanart if you want! *Rushes to post new art* waaait!!!
Also eek!!!!! I love that song, and for King and Country are my favorites!!! And I was trying to animate that exact song!!! But I lost focus!!! This is gonna be so cool! (Apologizes about the random excited screaming sounding from down the hall)
Umm doubt your courage maybe... Smalls? Or Jo in TAC?
Whoa, this sounds cool! Ok for the ‘lonesome but always searching’ maybe galt with how he left to make a place for himself?
If you want, you can use some of my fanart, is it going to be on YouTube?