Will shifted on the rather cold ground. He watched as Hence grabbed a small wooden box then shuffled over to him. Will started at the large sigh to his right. He dared a glance,it was Pepper, the large beast was nestled on the ground her large amber moon eyes were closed. Her chest heaved. He leaned closer and looked at her, the little but giant red tailed hawk was beautiful, but she had ugly scars up and down her back and neck.
He looked back up when Hence spoke.
"You aren't from around here are you kid?"
"No sir." Will said respectfully.
"How did you not know the war ended? Why it stopped when I was but a babe."
"I did know sir. I just didn't know it was so," He glanced at Pepper. "civilized."
Hence grinned and open the box, Will leaned forward, inside he saw little peaces of wood with the top covered with charred cloth, the lid of the box was all scratched and scathed. Hence grabbed a splinter and scraped the cloth across the lid. Will jumped back as a spark showered off, and a flame appeared, Will gasped.
"Fire? How?"
"I call it a match! My own invention." Hence boasted as he threw the 'match' into the pile of wood Will had made.
Will and Hence sat and watched the growing flame for a while.
"So," Hence said, "Where are you heading loner?"
"First Warren." Will said, he felt like he could trust this buck.
Will watched as his eyes widened, "well I'll be," Hence said, a grin showing up on his face "Me and Pepper are going to trade there! A big marketing thing, want to join?"
Will looked at the sword to his left then back up at Hence why should he trust him? On one hand he didn't know where he was going, on the other hand why should he trust a stranger? But then again Will needed answers.
"Deal." Will said reaching his tiny hand towards Hence, the long caped fellow's hand engulfed his.
Will clutched the side of the wagon his bottom hurt from the wagon seat.
"Can't we go any slower?" he asked, his words shaking on the bumpy path.
He watched Pepper ruffle her feathers than speed up.
"Uhhhhh." Will felt like he was going to puke.
Hence only laughed, "Cut the kid some slack Pep!"
"He will get used to it." Pepper shouted over the grounding of wheels on rocks, the river gushed to the right of Will.
"Can I just jump in the winter river? It's better then this." Will said sarcastically, feeling green.
"Be my guest. Less weight." Was she serious when she said that? Will did not want to know.
"Whoa! Stop Pepper!" Hence cried out.
"What's the hold up?" Will and Pepper both said. Will turned to Pepper, Pepper to Will. They both huffed and turned away.
"There is someone blocking the road!" Hence said.
Will clutched the sword on his back. He stared into the dark forest, out stepped a dark armor clad rabbit, his red eyes gleamed against his black fur, a sword and shield were in his hands, he was older then Will, but younger then Hence. He had a sign on his chest plate, Will had seen it in his father's study.
A white circle with a red moon, arrows creating a cross.
This rabbit was from a secret citadel.
There we go! I did it!
Part V Next week! I plan to make this a whole series! As in, it won't end any time soon!

Oh no! I just noticed all the typos... Um question, should release pt 5 today? Or let it settle in for more people to read?