i hope you're allowed to have two fanfictions...
Hanna wandered the dim passages of Harbone Citadel. She gaped in wonder at how well these rabbits coped with the fall. Hanna had been thinking; why was it that bucks did all the fun stuff? Hanna knew how to use a sword. She was good at calculations. She was going to see Lord Hews.
An energetic youngling darted past her. Hanna smiled, hand darting to her sword hilt. She walked around a bend, mouth open as she took in what was before her.
A large group of younglings gathered around hoops, waiting for their turn. Hanna slipped to the wall and squeezed past, moving into the nearest hallway.
The halls of Harbone Citadel were dark. Hanna's mind raced. She hated dark and cramped spaces, though she knew she needed to overcome it if she was to be a soldier.
The citadel was pretty much empty down here.
"Were those young soldiers playing tricks on me?" She wondered, then out loud "It's a shame to be playin' tricks a week after the fall." Hanna scoffed and walked onward.
She soon came to a long hallway with several stone arched doors. She crept to the nearest and knocked. When no reply came, Hanna knocked again.
"Hold on out there!" She heard. the voice was old and creaky, like a rusted wagon wheel.
"What do you want?" The door swung open to reveal a fragile-looking old doe. Her fur was grey with a splotch of white below her left ear. She wore a tattered green dress with a flimsy belt around her waist. She wore a pendant with a bright blue flower arond her neck. Strange light came fromn inside the room.
"I- please, aunty, i need directions to Lord Hews, please." Hanna stuttered.
"Yer in the wrong part of the warren, i can tell ye that." The doe said. "What ya want with Hews?" The doe said.
"I-" Hanna stopped. did she really trust this doe?
"Well, spill it."
"I want to be a soldier." Hanna said in a rush.
"Ha! what do you want to be that for?" The doe barked, then, noticing she had hurt Hanna, said: "I'm an apothecary."
"Hello, Aunt Apothecary. My name is Hanna Grant." Hanna said.
"No, no child. Call me Sophia."
"Yes, Aunt Sophia. i better be getting on my way now." Hanna said, walking back down the hall.
Hanna has orange fur and light green eyes.
This is going to be a great fanfic!!! I love it!!