Years passed, disaster after disaster. but we won the war, not without much loss. i joined an old friend on a trip to Cloud Mountain, and the old citadel was rebuilt. i always felt called to Harbone, however, and the fact it was gone gave me much sadness. i missed solving mysteries, annoying Redthaw, and hanging out with Gwen Hewson and bugging Perry Hewson.
I missed pranking squeaker, and learning from Aunt Sophia. I missed sprinting to mess hall on carrot soup day, but only if the guard stationed in the hallway was nice. i missed training, when i proved everyone wrong. i missed showing them a doe could fight.
I missed pouring over books and maps in the library with Redthaw. but he was dead. Harbone was gone.
Not all hope was lost, though. there were still mysteries to unravel. still the biggest of them yet: the Grand Conspiracy. The Counterfeit Conspiracy is another good one.
Maybe i'll tell you about them later.
-The Journal of Hanna Grant
so... haha... umm.... yeah... i'ts halfway over. i might pick it up later, but seeing it on my profile made me sad. anyways...
This was honestly my favorite fanfic to write for awhile. i love love Hanna. she's amazing and wonderful and i needed a Hanna... she's a lot like me.
most of this story was happy!
this story really shows my writing skills over 4 months....
i'm really sorry to stop this story for now. especially with aunt Sophia being _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and me not revealing it. anyway... i love this fanfic. i just... it's not over.... i'm gonna write in it still...
next chapter in a mended mountain
-Fleck Cove...
Aww, Hanna! This really sounds like it was written in journal form; great work!