Goofhack was his name,
In telling secrets he was a bane.
A whisper here.
A titter there.
Telling secrets in your ear.
Then one day he met a king.
And saw something embarrassing.
The king had sat in a muddy spot,
And all that mud would not come off.
The king then sat on his throne,
And you could almost hear his courters grown.
Then Goofhack stood up very tall
and pronounced before them all
This very funny thing.
That he his very self had seen
The king gave him a deadly glare,
But Goofhack said it was only fair
This made the king even madder.
And this is how Goofhack became Goofhack the Blabber.
I did.
Thank you. I hope you enjoyed it.
You’re a good poet. Did you even know it?