Here ya go! It's short, but here ya go!
Helmer. Helmer was gone. He was dead.
"I could have saved him," Cassie thought. 'I could have saved him. Jo. I can still save Jo!'
Cassie groaned as she tried to stand up. The pain was coursing through her body, but she managed to stand up. She grabbed a dagger from Helmer's pocket and started toward the door. She kicked it down, "Jo!" she screamed. "Jo Shanks! Has anyone seen Jo Shanks?"
A black buck with a white marking on his forehead walked up to her.
"You know Jo?" he asked.
Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good. I love you all. - Mr. Feeny (Boy Meets World)
I love Cole. He is one of the best characters. Pleeeeeaaassssssseeeeeeee don't kill Isle!!!!!!!!!!