I have no idea what's coming next. Like, no idea.
The door to their cell swung open and a white buck, with black spots. (Is that what the person who I will name in a bit looks like)
"Father?" Joel said.
"I'm the next best thing, I'm your uncle," Whitbie said.
"Which one?" Joel replied.
"The king," Whit sarcastically said. "No, I'm Whitbie."
"Oh. Are you helping us get out of here?"
"No. I'm the one who brought you here."
"Why? Why did you do this?"
"I needed to talk to you and your friend." "So you kidnapped us?" Isle said, talking for the first time since Whit came in.
Sorry, these have been short and not well written, I've been working on a book, and that's my main priority. This is my second priority, obviously.
Lol. That was a funny chapter. I love Joel and Isle, and Whitbie is soooo funny!!! He is... spontaneous. 😄😄😄