sorry if I post to much, but it's almost been two days since Fleck was injured, and i want to do something.
Fleck opened his right eye. He was in a familiar room. Rain beat against the windows and pattered on the tin roof. His shoulder throbbed but he could tell it had been treated. He opened his left eye.
Fleck had lived.
He heard the door softly open.
"Fleck?" Bastille asked.
"Hi." Fleck whispered. Bastille walked across the room, smiling.
"Thank you for saving my life." Bastille said.
Fleck smiled.
"I can get Airen to bring you some soup." She said. Suddenly a little gray doe burst into the room. Louise.
"My protégé." Bastille explained.
"Mamma made soup." Louise said.
"Come on then, let's get some to Fleck." She said. Louise smiled.
Fleck watched them go, smiling.
"Airen, Fleck's awake." Bastille whispered.
"Take him some soup then,". Airen said, handing Bastille a bowl. She gently carried the bowl down the hall.
I had to post this...... Hope y'all are happy with this chapter!! More to come!
See. I can write happy chapters....