Uugg, finally. Sorry for it being short. Here you are.
The house was filled with the sweet aroma of cookies and other baked goods in the oven. Zane came downstairs to the kitchen, attempting to steal a cookie cooling on the counter. A slap on the hand told him ‘not ready yet’ as his mother looked sharply at him. “Sorry,” Zane said trying to amend the cookie thievery and rubbing his sore hand. “Well if you’re really sorry,” Martha started “you will go to get more icing sugar at the grocer.” “Okay, I’ll go.” Zane said sighing at the fact that he had no cookie. “Oh, can I come too daddy?” Misty asked excitedly, “Of course you can.” He replied. After bundling up, they headed outside.
On coming back someone said, “Well, it’s been a while Zane.” He turned to see that beautiful doe in her brown-lined coat. “Oh, Lilly Hi. I. I. Uh.” Zane studdered, not knowing what to say. “Hi, nice to see you too,” Lilly continued for him. “Oh hello misty, how are you?” “I’m good, I helped my grandma make cookies today.” The enthusiastic doe replied. “Oo, that sounds fun.” “And my daddy wants to take you to the snowball dance.” With this Zane froze with panic and the winter air. “Ohoho ok Misty, let’s not keep Lilly from her errands.” As he looked up, his eyes met with hers. “I’d love to. See you then.” Lilly said as she turned and walked home. Once she was out of earshot, zane said exhaling “Misty, I love you.” As he picked her up and ran home.
God bless and bear the flame,
J. J. B.
That was sweet!!!! Wonderful job!! :D