This is our first attempt at a fan-fic, hope you guys like it and let us know what you think...
The Square was crowded, and he felt like he smothering, but he wouldn’t leave for the world. At least not while his brothers where watching. Joseph and Josiah had a way of picking on fella for things that, if he left, they never let him forget. They would go on and on about how they had seen King Walter give the Green Ember to Prince Jupiter and how he hadn’t because he was hot. So, he stayed and tried to focus on something besides his own discomfort.
He felt his father lay a hand on his shoulder and he saw he had a hand on Joseph’s shoulder as well. Josiah was a little ways off trying to get a better view of the platform were King Walter and Prince Jupiter stood along with many members of the King’s court. They were towards the back of the crowd and the view wasn’t that great, but it didn’t bother him.
Someone on the platform started talking in a loud voice, it wasn’t the King, so he didn’t pay much attention. Josiah came back over and said, “I found a spot with a better view of the platform and I think we can get there before the king starts speaking.”
“If you boys want a better view go on, as for me and your mother we’re fine right here,” their father said, nodding to the delicate form of there mother who was sitting in a chair their father had brought for her. She had been ill and was still recovering, though she was doing much better already. He felt torn should he stay with his parents or go with his brothers. Josiah and Joseph were already a little ways off, but Josiah turned and called, “You coming Jonathan?”
He and Joseph found a spot to stand and Jonathan soon joined them. They watched the ceremony with interest and cheered when King Walter placed the shining emerald gem around Prince Jupiter’s neck. Prince Jupiter than stepped forward and held a hand up for the crowd to quiet. Josiah held his breath wondering what the Prince was going to say.
“Rabbits of First Warren, guest form far and near, I thank you for coming today. Many months ago, my father told me of his decision to pass the throne to me instead of my older brothers. I am greatly honored by his decision and I hope to be worthy of the responsibility he has given me. This gem,” Prince Jupiter held up the Green Ember for everyone to see. “Is a token given to me to prove my right to rule when my father’s reign has ended, but I tell you it is not only that. It is my promise to you, that I will strive to be the King my father believes I can be. It is my promise that I will rule this kingdom one day as my father would have me rule. My promise that I will take care of the Thirty Warrens and all who live in them no matter what! That I will take care of Natalia in way to honor our ancestors! I tell you this good people, because I want you to hold me to this promise, to never let me forget, to help me fulfill it!”
A cheer went up that was so loud, but so happy. Joseph joined in because he knew in that moment that he would do anything for Prince Jupiter. He would fight for him; he might even die for him. Yes, if need be, he would die for Prince Jupiter and his Cause. He looked over at his brother and he knew they felt the same way. In that moment he could almost see their future as soldier fighting for the Cause of rabbitkind under King Jupiter’s banner. Because one day prince Jupiter would be King, and when that day came, they would be ready.
Joseph heard someone in the crowd calling out and it sounded like he was saying Shanks. He looked toward the sound and saw their friend Darren pushing thought he crowd. He was slightly older than them, but they got on rather well. As he watched Darren called out, “Shanks, Shanks all three of ya, I know yens are in here somewhere. Don’t yens even try to hide from me, I got eyes like a hawk.”
“It that were true than you would have already found us,” Jonathan called back.
Darren whirled around and looked toward them as he said, ‘You’d think the only set of triplets in First Warren would be easier to find, but it turns out yens ain’t the only ones.” Darren scratched his head as he walked toward them. “Never knew there was so many till I started asking if anyone had seen a set of triplets and boy do, I wish I had never ever asked.”
They laughed and slapped Darren on the shoulder as he joined them. “How about we all go and practice together?” Joseph asked.
It was agreed upon and the three Shanks brothers and Darren started off to practice, for the roles they hoped they would one day play when they fought for King Jupiter and Jupiter’s Cause!
Hope you guys enjoyed it and like we said any feedback is welcome!
Bear the Flame,
The Fowlers
@Saraina we realized we hadn't read you bio so we read it, we love LOTR our oldest brother is a big fan, he used to write things in forgot how to do it though and now doesn't know what it says..😂😂😂
Anne is Green Gables is one of the oldest of us three's favorite book series, along with Little House on the Prairie series, we love WfS too!
The oldest of us has a book she writes quotes in one of her favorites is "A room without books is like a body without a soul."
Have you ever read the Kingdom Series or The Mistmantle Chronicles? We're working on the first Mistmantle book.
Sorry this so long....