Thought I'd take a shot at writing a OC backstory, hope you enjoy!
Please note, that uh, Pa is supposed to have an irish accent, but ya know there is no Ireland in Natalia sooo yea!
P.S. I would have posted this earlier but SOMEONE didn't have time to edit it, *AHEM* Aspen, *Cough*
Harper’s beginnings
Chapter one
A lanky buck burst into Harper's room and flopped onto her bed, causing her to jolt awake at the abrupt movement. Harper groaned and rubbed her face as she sat up in bed. She eyed the young rabbit. “What is it now Marcus?” The sixteen-year-old buck smirked, “Oh, just waking the old hag.” Harper grinned, rolling her eyes. Marcus was a dark chestnut rabbit with two white-dipped feet. He took after their lovely Ma. Harper sighed, “Is breakfast ready?” “It is, and you better hurry, it's getting cold.” Marcus rushed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Harper yawned and shivered at the cold air that had drifted in after her brother. She grabbed for a clay pitcher and poured water into a bowl. She splashed water on her face and shook her head vigorously. She skipped to her closet, opening the ornate wooden doors. Harper reached for some clothes and started to prepare herself for the day.
Mama was in the little cottage kitchen setting out plates on the round, hand carved table. Marcus thundered down the narrow staircase, his paws hitting each step harder than the last. He jumped over the last step and slid into the kitchen. The little kitchen was filled with wholesome smells of simmering fruits and baking bread. “Did you wake up your sister?” enquired the middle-aged doe. “Yes ma'am.” “Good!” Ma smiled at Marcus as she watched him reach for the utensils, setting them out on the table. Harper gently glided down the stairs, carrying in her arms a sleeping kit. “Good morning, Ma.” Harper beamed, looking at the delicious food mother had made. “Hello darling” Ma returned cheerfully. Mama was a tall, gaunt doe. She was a deep chestnut brown, with a white snout and white-tipped ears. And she made the best apple pie in all the wood, or so her family claimed. Harper dried the slobber on Sage’s mouth as she put Sage in her wooden highchair. “Time to wake up, Sage.” Harper coaxed sweetly, “Mama made toast with cinnamon, your favorite.” The doeling opened her eyes, rubbing them and blinking. She smacked her lips. “Good morning gorgeous.” Marcus charmed, as he tied her dull red bib on. “Wish I could have gotten that this morning.” Harper giggled, giving him a glance of mischief. “Sorry but you're not as cute as Sage.” He looked at her trying not to laugh. He walked over and put an arm around her. She stared at him coolly, awaiting his attack. Marcus in one thrust, wrestled her into the living room, then down to the floor. The hardwood boards creaked excitedly as the two rabbits poked and tickled each other. Ma, roused by the racket, playfully called, “Marcus, let your sister breathe! Come now, it’s time to eat.” Marcus and Harper chuckled and gasped for air. Harper scrunched her nose at him. They both rolled onto their feet and bounded to the table. Suddenly, the heavy maple door groaned on its hinges as an older buck, towered in the doorway. He was a light tan with dark speckling on his fore paws, and a black stripe shown bold on his right arm. His shady blue eyes glinted as he smiled at the little family. It was Papa. “Ma’cus, you been treatin’ ya sister well?” Papa asked knowingly. “No,” she answered chuckling. “He’s been bothering me all morning!” Pa clucked disapprovingly, then smirking rejoined, “I guess we'll hafe to groun’ you.” They all laughed and Papa clapped the buck on the shoulder. “Howefer, for now, let’s eat your mother’s fine meal.”
Once rabbits finished eating, Pa and Mark left to chop firewood. While Harper cleaned up the remnants of breakfast, Momma tended to young Sage. Harper was used to being alone all day. Ma was usually too busy with Sage to manage much anything else. Harper was thirteen-years-old after all, it wouldn’t be long before she would go out into the world on her own. That was her greatest desire, to leave the sleepy woodland village and explore the world. Little did she know of the ghastly secrets it hid.
That evening, Harper heard a struggle outside. She believed she smelt smoke. Harp squinted out the window, the circling silhouettes of hulking birds met her gaze, while hunched wolves stood on the horizon huddle around a neighboring cottage. Flickering torches were held aloft in their paws. “Mama!” Harper cried, tingling with fear. She scurried up the stairs searching for the doe. She met Ma frozen in the hallway. Ma’s face was stricken with dread and shock. Mama was clenching Sage to her chest, “We must go now!” she said sharply. “There's no time for questions, get your jacket on and meet me at the door.” Harper flew to her bedroom, wrenching her closet open and in a flurry, pulling out her jacket. Harper hesitated for a moment, then stole a journal that was hiding under her bed. She took one more glance at her room, then rushed out. “Ma! Ma!” She saw Mama frantically pacing back and forth. “We must go now.” Ma replied, struggling to keep a calm countenance. Mama had her cape on, with Sage wrapped tightly inside of it. “What about Marcus and Pa, mother?” “I…I don’t know where they could be.” Mama answered, tears shining in her eyes. “They went to the woods to pick up tree limbs!” Harper gasped out. “OK then we'll go look for-” Ma didn't finish her sentence, because Marcus rammed through the great door. “Oh dear!” Mother rasped through her constricting throat. “Where's Pa?” Harper cried, searching behind Marcus. “He's…” tears started to pour into Mark's eyes, Harper about fell backwards. “No!” She panted. “Harper, Marcus. We must leave now!” Ma commanded, restraining a cry. “Now! Out, children, out!” The family fled from the house. They rushed from their once, so peaceful home. Mama led them, duck for any cover. A boulder plummeted from the sky. The giant falcons had spotted them. The enormous stone caught Ma, crushing her leg beneath its weight. “Ma!” Mark screamed. Harper and Mark skidded in their tracks and tore at the rock futilely. Ma looked up at them sorrowfully, tears streaming down her face. Harper fell to her knees “No…” she mumbled, her voice hitching and choking, “We’ll get you out. We-” Mama put her paw on Harper’s soft cheek “Run... please, run.” “But…” Harper began, “No. You both must run.” mother urged sadly. “Take Sage and run!” Mark grabbed Sage. He looked at mother, his eyes glassy. They two young rabbits hugged their mother, sniffling and reluctant to leave her. “My place beside you, my blood for yours. Till the green ember rises,” Ma heaved a sigh, “or the end of the world.” And with mother’s last words, they bolted.
Mark and Harper had not stopped running since they left their mother. Harper thundered behind Marcus, her tears blinding her. She struggled to keep pace with her brother, a gap was rapidly widening between them. She was just about to call to him to slow down, when her foot caught on something, and she somersaulted in the grass. Her lungs burned from the strain and her body ached. As she sat up, she looked around anxiously. Marcus was nowhere to be found. She jumped to her feet and ran at a frenzied speed. She slowed and stopped, weary. Harper sat on a lumpy, mushroom-covered stump, desperately trying to understand the events of the last three hours. She thought over the strange final words from her mother. “Till the green ember rises? What could it mean?” Swiftly, a pair of strong arms snatched her up, and a furry red hand stopped her screams. “Shhh, lassie! Them Bone grinders will be shortly. They’d make quick work of you- Eh, now quit’cher squirmin’, my little Terralain! I am a friend.”
Harper Out! :P
Oooohhh!!! I'm intruiged! Marcus reminds me of my siblings when we were younger😂Great job, I hope to see more!
This is great! I like to write too and maybe I'll post a story sometime! This is very well written, and I hope you make another chapter!
Well excuuuuuse me princess!! Sorry I have responsibilities lol