Hello fellow flamebearers!
I haven't been here in a long time, but now I'm back to share what has been going on with the world's first (and only that I know of) Green Ember text-adventure video game!
Since most of the GE community hangs out here, I wanted to get the word out. Using a style similar to the 1980's classic adventure Zork and incorporating elements from many different genres and styles of both games and novels, Bear the Flame is the most ambitious Green Ember project yet as its aim is to create a story that you control and make choices in and it also will attempt to immerse players in the world of Natalia and beyond!
As this is a large undertaking, Bear the Flame will take a while to develop into something really worth playing. I am aiming to have about 10 hours of content per normal playthrough (shorter or longer depending on your choices) and there will also be a lot of new characters and even a couple new races! Bear the Flame will also take place after the Mending, so be prepared for a whole new story arc!
I'm looking for all the inspiration from the community I can get! If you have any fanmade characters I don't know of you'd like to include or any story ideas or hamburgers or whatever, be sure to share them! And concept art would be cool if anyone could donate some!
Check out the game's page here: https://sites.google.com/view/beartheflame/home
Oooo, sounds awesome!