(This is going to contradict my posts "Is Smalls Alive." But I don't care.)
It was the day before Emma's coronation. The preparations were almost done. Picket and Emma were walking around New Warren, talking about her coronation.
"I am so nervous for tomorrow. I wish Smalls could be crowned king instead of me. He would make a better ruler than I will."
"You will be a great ruler, Emma. And you will have all your friends by your side. Who's going to crown you tomorrow? Don't you get to choose?"
"Yes, I do. I want you to crown me. You are a royal rabbit, and my best friend. There is no one I would like better to crown me." Emma told Picket.
"I am honored. I too wish that Smalls could be here and Heather. They would have loved to be here tomorrow. Have you planned Smalls funeral?"
"Yes I have. It will be the day after the coronation. He will be remembered by everyone to the end of the world. He was a noble rabbit. Wait, this is something Heather would say. Oh, wait, I wanted to ask you. Should we have a funeral service for Heather?"
"We could have something like that."
The next day....
Emma was walking down the aisle. Music was playing. Emma tried her best to look confident, but everyone could tell she was nervous. She walked up to Lord Black star. The ceremony began. Right after she had pronounced the promises that the rulers were supposed to make, the doors swung open. And in walked Smalls, Heather, and another rabbit.
What happens next? What happens next? What happens next?