I am not really sure where to put this
So we all know how in EE the Starsword broke and that meant that there would never be trouble but anyone who has read any of the Red wall books knows that Martin the Warrior's sword if made from a star. So could that mean something like for them like if it broke would there be no more trouble for them? I think that is part of the reason why someone accused S.D. Smith of copying Redwall.
I am getting my own copies of GE, ER, and EE (I already have EF)!
Oh yeah, I just finished Mattimeo and I think the first time I really made that connection was a couple nights ago....
You see, I don't think so, because the sword of Martin the Warrior is mentioned as being able to cut through stone, chain, etc, and it seems pretty unbreakable. Redwall also seen like.... Centuries? Where the sword isn't in use, like it goes from Luke to Martin to (I don't remember his name haha.... From Mariel of Redwall? I know he's in there but his name is escaping me) to Matthias, to Mattimeo... Lol, sorry about that rant, but yeah, I guess someone could try.... Good theory!!! I love it!