The debate of the ages: Who is best for Picket?
It started off looking very much like Picket was undoubtedly going to end up with Emma, while Heather with Kyle or someone. But taking recent events into account, including the revelation that Emma is Smalls’ sister, we all must agree (however unpleasant that admission may be for you) that the horizons have shifted. It seems, if all goes to plan, that Heather will end up with Smalls. So, the huge question always lurking in the back of our minds has now become—does Picket belong with Emma or with Weezie, and why?
Your thoughts?
Okay I am here and ready to do this for the third time. First of all I am debating who Picket SHOULD end up with not who he WILL end up with. It is a fine distinction that must be made mainly because I find S. D. Smith unpredictable so having the debate of WILL won't work.
Here are my points:
1. Picket and Emma are better at encouraging each other. So far Emma and Picket have been encouraging each other while Picket has done all of the encouraging for Weezie.
2. Emma needs Picket. Emma is struggling with having the responsibility of having the kingdom under her and she needs Picket to be her rock.
3. Picket needs Emma. If Picket becomes Shuffler again then Weezie can't deal with that, she is not secure enough to handle with Picket being depressed and snappy with her. While Emma has been a healer so she deals with sad and depressed people all the time.
4. Weezie is underdeveloped. She is still an underdeveloped character so she and Picket need more time together if they were to get married. But she get better developed in the next book.
5. Weezie is not ready. Emma and Picket are both more mature since they have been thrown in tough situations but Weezie has been sheltered. She knows of the war but has not been allowed to leave her farm. If Picket and Weezie are to get married they need to get married in the epilogue when Weezie has more time to heal and mature.
I have a few more points but I think this is enough for now.