While I don’t know that any moms frequent the site, there are certainly some awesome mother figures worth celebrating in the series. Queen Lillie, Sween Longtreader, Lady Glen, Airen, Lady Elisabeth, and lastly Heather and Weezie were all delightful additions to the series. Though we didn’t get to meet them (yet) I am also thinking of Ladies Blackstar, Booker, and Hewson, Myrtle Dann, and Fay herself, together with the many unnamed mothers of beloved characters like Jo, Harmony, and Heyward. And of course, much honor goes to those who, though they are not known to have children of their own, acted as mothers to others-lookin’ at you Maggie!
And lastly, an apology to the various predator moms in the series. Sorry you didn’t get to show up, but not especially sorry your offspring got sliced, diced, stabbed, shot, and exploded from one end of Natalia to the other.
Yes indeed. Happy Mother's Day! My favorites of the mother figures you mentioned are probably Maggie (she definitely counts), Queen Lillie, and Lady Elisabeth (the way her name is spelled is how my middle name is spelled anyway, so that's a bonus). And of course Heather and Weezie! They're all awesome!