No, this is not a proposal for a Green Ember theme park-I love this series but I’m not that ambitious at this point.
I was listening to a book from another series, and it had a couple quotes that got me thinking. The first involves a character noting that a certain object is “as out of place as a bunny on a motorcycle.” The second is an exchange in which the same character declares “A life spent running away from things is no life at all!” Another character responds “Most rabbits would disagree with you.”
Well, as it happens, I know some rabbits who would agree with the first character‘s second sentiment. However, they might disagree with her feeling that they’d look out of place on a motorcycle-and they’d DEFINITELY object to being called a bunny. Between these two quotes, the thought occurred to me: what vehicles would suit various Green Ember characters best?
I honestly haven’t come up with many ideas yet; I’m hoping this will provoke a fun discussion. However, to start off:
Helmer: I figure #LastLordCaptain #BestLordCaptain would do his cruisin’ in one of two ways: either on a boss chopper or in a sick muscle car.
Picket: for road travel, I think Picket is more of a bullet bike kind of buck.
Garten: were Garten forced to forego a carrier bird, I could see him traveling around in a luxury helicopter-one that also has weapons. That, or a fancy stretch limo as long as his opinion of himself is high.
Well, there’s a start. No need to confine yourselves to present day or even real world vehicles either. If you think Helmer and Picket would roll around in the Batmobile given the chance, you’re more than welcome to suggest it or anything similar.
so what book series was it? sorry... Fleck Cove being weird and off topic again...