So after learning more about Ronan and being told about Lord Lokken, I came up with a ranking as to how significant the ten citadel lords we know of are in the series. This is my own personal opinion, and if anyone feels differently I’d love to hear your reasoning.
Though he’s only present in the first two books of the main series, Rake seems to easily be the most important lord in the series. He’s Emma’s foster father, an important leader in the Cause, and a friend of the late King Jupiter. Even after his passing, Rake is not forgotten, and is admired even by a rabbit who pretty vehemently disagreed with him over the issue of the Longtreader family. He’s also been a favorite contender for saddest death in the series, so clearly he’s loved by us fans as well as his fellow characters.
Victor Blackstar narrowly loses first place to Rake, and holds firm in second. The distant descendant and successor of Fleck Blackstar, he is also the father of beloved supporting characters Cole and Heyna. The only citadel lord to appear in and live through every book of the main series, he is one of the best allies of both Smalls and Emma. I rank him behind Rake only because Rake, though he appeared in fewer books, was more heavily involved in those books than Victor was throughout the series, at least in my mind.
Morgan is the only citadel lord besides Victor to live to the end of the War for All Natalia. He’s also one of two major contenders as a future husband for Emma, after the canon sunk a certain ship... Ramnor was the first citadel lord to be killed in the main series. He was a significant ally however, and his choice to bring Halfwind into the fight had major effects for the remainder of the series. Hewson appeared in only one book, but his contributions speak for themselves.
Ronan falls a bit behind him, having been referenced starting in The Green Ember but not appearing by name or getting any scenes or dialogue until Ember’s End. Booker got a brief scene and some awesome dialogue in Ember Rising. Felson got a couple scenes but no real dialogue. Hews is dead by the events of the series, but is the father of Hewson and grandfather of significant Archer’s Cup character Amber Hewson. Lokken, who is only mentioned for the first time in that book, comes in last.
Interesting thoughts.... I agree, but think that Ramnor should be switched with Hewson...