This link will take you to a custom quiz made by yours truly.
This is the first time I've ever made something like this so please pardon the flaws.
I'll work on a more intricate one later, with more details, more answers, ect.
NO CHEATING! If you think hard, it's really easy to tell which answer fits which character. Forget TGE and think of your answer.
Reply your answers. I got Picket!
And enjoy!
I got Heather!!!
I took it again and got Heather Longtreader. I almost put all the same answers in.
I got Emma in this one and Wilfred in the other one that Ginny sent out.
AHHH I am Picket Longtreader. Have I been spending to much time with Will Longtreader? I suppose so...
Great job My Friend!
Not many...