Hey all!
So, trivia hasn't been moving lately (except for Ian's!), so I thought I'd keep it up a little bit. But, do you want me to figure out a way to assign (I'm sure there's a setting somewhere) trivia responsibility to those interested in posting? It'll probably show up as a task that you need to complete. Also, do you guys think we should have a theme ever month for trivia?
Also, semi-official rules (if you would like to make changes, please comment below): .
1. Guessers are not allowed to check the books and/or the Green Ember Wiki.
2. Questions must be about Green Ember related things only (author questions are okay).
3. Questions may be in any form, including (but not limited to) multiple choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions.
4. Question writers MAY look in the books and/or on the Green Ember Wiki (just so that the tradition lasts longer).
5. Try not to look at other people's answers when commenting yours (oh yeah, comment the answers below the trivia page. A second post will announce the answers and top three scores), just so you can keep your answers as original as possible.
Now, for the trivia:
1. Garlacks was the King of the Wolves during what war?
2. Who is Grenjo (Wr. and Ris. of Whit. Mar.)?
3. What was the name of the white wolf General whom Picket killed during the Battle of Rockback Valley?
4. [True or False] Garlon Canton belongs to the Seventh District.
5. What was the name of the chapter in Ember Rising during which Emma and Kylen met under the cover of darkness?
Happy Guesssing, ya'll!
Thanks @Zanni Werthison!
Welcome @Nora Blackstar!
1. The Red Valley War?
2. Don't know.
3. General Flox
4. False.
5. Emma's Cause?
I’d be up for posting trivia as well.
@Pro-green ember, Okay! I'll get you set up and maybe you can post some next week?