Hey there folks! Been a while since we last did trivia, and with the upcoming holiday it seemed like a good idea to do a little theme again. With that in mind, tried to think of some things that are at least vaguely Halloween themed, having either to do with character appearances or "spooky" information. Hope you enjoy!
Picket faces down some scary enemies over the course of the Green Ember series. However, of the four main books, there is one in which he does not bring an end to either a wolf leader or a named traitor rabbit. Which book is it?
For those-like me-who like to dress up for Halloween, it's important to notice details. There are at least five Green Ember characters who have been described/depicted wearing glasses. Name three of them.
This villain appeared in only one of the Green Ember books, but has been mentioned in all of the other three and in all three Archer books. Who is he?
There is an item of clothing that Picket, Heather, Smalls, Emma, Jo, Heyna, and Cole have all worn in artwork for the series, but Helmer has not. What is it?
Fill in the blank: "She made me a _____, and turned my ____ into a _____."
Well, it seems everyone has participated who’s going to, so here are the answers and scores:
Ember Rising
Possible answers include Whittle “Father” Longtreader, Dr. Zeiger, Clove Halmond, Mrs. Weaver, and Lord Ramnor. Edward “Stitcher” Weaver is described as having “big eyes”, but there’s text or pictures to say he wears glasses.
Redeye Garlackson; Farlock and Vitton each only appeared/got mentioned in a book or two each. Sorry Vit; you may have thought everybody hated you, but everybody REALLY hated Redeye.
I was looking for cape, but I’ll accept cloak. Evidently whatever lessons Helmer taught Picket after “Everything is a weapon”, he never got around to teaching him the one about
5. Bane, heart, grave
@Fleck Cove: 5/5
Ember Rising.
Whittle, Maggie?, Edward?(I don't know I never paid attention to that kind of stuff..lol..)
these were hard...lol...
1. Ember rising.
2. Whittle, Ramnor,Maggie?
3. Redeye?
4. Cape.
5. Haha...no idea...lol...
These were fun! I probably got them wrong though...hahahah...😂😂😂
I like this!!
Ember Rising
Oo, this is a good one. Whittle, Maggie, Edward.
I really don't know...
Oh, fun!
Ember Rising
(oh, really? This is hard....lol...) Whittle, Maggie, and Lord Ramnor....I think...
Red-Eye Garlackson
A cloak
Okay, I so have no idea and I feel like I was doing pretty good....lol...oh well!
Thanks for the trivia!