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Writer's pictureKilmarnock228

Trivia #23: Anagrams

Thought I’d try something a little different. Try solving these without help!

  1. Peony I Keener (imagine my surprise @Pinkpeony73)

  2. Van rod

  3. Her elf sons

  4. Lift a cow

  5. Hare learns

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Jul 31, 2021

Now for the answers:

  1. Perkin One-Eye, King Jupiter’s best friend and contender for second most awesome Lord Captain-y’all know who the first is.

  2. Vardon, an apparent member of the Six about whom we know virtually nothing except the name.

  3. Fesslehorn, another Lord Captain who’s name proved better for tricky anagrams than Pickwand’s.

  4. Falcowit, who’s name similarly worked okay for this; can’t really do anything with Gern or Shelt.

  5. Harlan Seer, who has the advantage of not needing a “the” to go along with his appellation, unlike Gome the Agile or Stam the Stout.

Mercy: 5/5

The Fowlers: 4/5

Fleck Cove: 3/5

The Fowlers
The Fowlers
Aug 02, 2021
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Aww, thanks! <3


Jul 29, 2021

Oooo, these were hard... Especially because I wasn't sure if the spaces were supposed to be in the actual word. And you thought of such hilarious words! 😂😂

  1. Perkin One Eye

  2. Vardon? Can't really remember.

  3. Fesslehorn!

  4. Falcowit

  5. Harlan Seer

Aug 01, 2021
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@Mercy I can’t actually claim credit for it; I used an online anagram maker.


Fleck Wingfeather
Fleck Wingfeather
Jul 27, 2021

1: Perkin one eye

2: Vardon. the bird lord dude.

3: Heraldson? idk hi

4: dont know at all.

5: Harlan Seer

Fleck Wingfeather
Fleck Wingfeather
Jul 30, 2021
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Heraldson.... idk lol.... what? how did i even get that lol?


The Fowlers
The Fowlers
Jul 27, 2021

Okay, this took forever!!! We just stared at them till our minds finally recognized what they were...

  1. Perkin One Eye

  2. Vandor (We're not even sure if this right, but this was honestly the hardest one for us...if we got this right please tell us who Vandor

  3. Fesslehorn

  4. Falcowit

  5. Harlan Seer

We got 1, 3, and 5 decoded first and then we thought that they were all Lord Captains...that made the last two tricky....Thanks for the trivia....but please don't ever do this again, it hurt our

Fleck Wingfeather
Fleck Wingfeather
Jul 30, 2021
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lol those were really hard...

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