I've gotten quite a few inquiries about this fairly undeveloped, random idea of mine. The following explanation is simply one way we could go about this. If you have any ideas you think are better, please comment below.
Here are the steps of The Jupiter Awards:
1. Everyone interested in voting must nominate a character/battle/location/etc. for each of the categories posted on the Jupiter Award's page. No duplicates allowed. (This allows us to get a wide variety of choices without having to list every character/battle/etc. in existence).
2. I will take the nominations and arrange some sort of voting system that everyone can use.
3. Y'all will vote!!
4. I'll tally up the results and post them on the Jupiter Award's page.
5. Repeat the next month.
Post your thoughts below and hopefully we can get this started! 😄
3. Daggler
4. Lord Falcowit, Red-eye garlackson
5. Cloud Mountain
6. Battle for the Old Warren
7. Slaves escape on the anniversary of King Jupiter's death
8. Lord Rake's
9. Helmer
10. Picket and Pickerson
How do I write down my ideas?
Go to the Jupiter Award's page on this site and provide a nominee for each category.
Hi. Do you tell you all those topics or just one?