I haven't posted trivia in a while, so I thought I should post some. Here it is:
Name all the books in order
How many wolves chased Heather away from her home?
When did the “Green Ember” come out?
What is Small’s full name?
How many kids does Heather and Smalls have?
@LuvGreenEmber yes
@Kilmarnock228 I think it is actually 2 now. Sorry guys! I just got back from a trip.
@TGEFanForever I also have a clarification request. I don’t recall Ember’s End ever specifying the number of Heather and Smalls’ kids. Is there a specific passage that you took as evidence of there being three of them?
Thank you and good job everyone! The scoreboard has been updated (on the Seventh District page here: https://luvgreenember.wixsite.com/newseddleton/seventh-district, shout out to Artham for pulling ahead into 2nd place!) and at the bottom of the page you'll find a brand new button that will lead you to the entire trivia scoreboard so you can check out your current ranking and accuracy even if you're not in the top three! :)
@TGEFanForever, Thank you for the trivia! I just wanted to clarify something about question two. Did you mean the occasion after Red-Eye Garlackson corner Heather in the thicket? Thank you in advance!
Thanks - this was fun!