Yesterday was my birthday, and I got the only three GE books that I didn't have in paperback form, some other things, and a drawing tablet! I've been working on some stuff and I'm almost done with Smalls. I'm also changing my pfp to my fanart of Wilden Lightfoot's fake top half from Pixar's Onward. I'll be on a lot more posting fanart, so
Be prepared!
Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared
Be prepared!
God bless and Bear the Flame,
(P.S. I couldn't resist the Disney reference.)
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday and many more!
‘Making today a perfect day for you and all that you reference....
‘One of us got all seven books for her birthday last year...just about to order our paperback copy of EE...
Happy Birthday! Excited to see the your drawings.