Okay, so we thought this would be a fun discussion and we will be the first admit that we have done both. We moved a little over a year ago and there was two months between moving when there was literally nothing to do, so we played GE, reread GE, and acted out scenes from GE...
So, has anyone else done the same thing? Please tell us you have it would make us feel less awkward...
Cause right now we feel really awkward.... do you think it’s weird? Should we be admitting this?🤔🤔🤔
we live by this one part of Garden of the Gods }[colorado state? park] and we have a secret pass thingy... my best friend and i went up there a few weekends ago. [i used a waterproof blanket as a cloak :)] but we were like "Were going to Akolan!!" and yeah. it was fun..
and then when we got back i turned on my friend [not really but in the game] and we fake fired fake bows.. except i had a real one that had no arrows and i bruised my arm..
when we were camping in the San Isabelle i left the camp\site [after getting permission] and walked out of the clearing our tent was in. i went down a hill, and crept along a path. i acted like Picket [or was it Jo?] as i investigated a creek.,
later that day i was in the creek leaping across rocks [i was jo or something., again.] and grabbed a tree branch. i fell backwards into the freezing water.. [it was summer though]
once i was perkinson? also in the Garden of the Gods [or redrocks]. i was protecting my mom and the goats... meh.
on numerous occasions i have been in the forest guard at my nanas. trust me, i always have a bow. because of bears.
so yeah. i'm weird.
i have more.. too.
Yeah. Whenever I face something hard i take the role of a rabbit archer named Fleck. If that counts.
Not unless you count being naturally grumpy like Helmer.
Ahh, I have. *turns his head in awkwardness*. I pretended to be Owen while I was camping. Lol and Helmer about a year ago. My cousin was Pick and Studge.
Yeah, if someone could find a script if there is one, and if there isn't, make one? And then have a sign up list for people to sign up for parts. And then, have zoom meetings or something to practice. Or just practice in your own home. But yeah, that would be very fun!
No, but we have acted out On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness (up to the dragon song, I think) with some of our friends! Like, literally almost word for word with the book, just for fun. We might do the same with GE once I convince them to read it! So you're not weird, or maybe we both are!😁
And we play GE a lot -- well, we used to do it more often, but we always mix characters from a lot of movies/books/TV shows together. So you end up with rabbits fighting stormtroopers, getting picked up by dragon riders from Berk, and meeting the Pevensies... and so on.
I haven't but I've thought about it... even though it would be for fun, I don't really trust my siblings (I know, that sounds horrible) but when they really like something, they tend to overdo things. We watched the hobbit and lord of the rings 3 years ago, and it's all I ever hear about nowadays 😑 I've also thought of getting some friends together and do an audio drama tho! But then again, only two of my friends have actually read the books. So, I'm stuck! Lol