Here is a topic for people, now that the main series is done as well as the Last Archer and Whitson series, what if anything would you like to see next in the world of The Green Ember? What types of books, stories, or side projects would you find interesting?
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Definitely a King Jupter/Helmer/Lord Captains book or series would be top of my list. I could also go for the story of Flint and Fay, and more about the ancient history of the Green Ember world.
I believe S.D. Smith hinted at a book about the older characters at the Prince Lander and the Dragon War live launch party on YouTube.
I would love to see what all of you have suggested, but I personally would like to see a series with King Walter and his children, describing what distinguished Jupiter from his other children, and what Jupiter’s siblings were like. It would really be cool seeing what Bleston was like, because I assume he was a bit lustful of his brother. Likewise, maybe more about Flint and Fay and the stepping stones, true blue, the Star sword, etc. Great question though. (:
I want all the above, more books to put the Natalian timeline together.
I agree with everyone else about a prequal about Helmer or Akolan or something before the fall of King Jupiter. I want to know more about what it was like when Jupiter was on the throne and I want to meet more Jovesons!
A story/series about Terralain would be awesome, although I’m not sure it’s at all likely. We don’t even know where it is, let alone how things worked there. Who was Kyle and Naylen’s mother? Where is she now? How did Perk end up at Terralain? And so on and so forth.
Ooo! I’d gotta say a flint and Fay book!
I'd like to see one about the rabbits in Akolan, and their history there. That would be really interesting...
I would think a Helmer prequel would be awesome, and maybe the blue moss hills or Golden Coast? Maybe even a book on Akolan (like the tunneler and how they founded the caves) or some adventures during the time before the main series but after The Fall...
I wan to see a book from Helmer's perspective on his past before The Fall of Jupiter, and then also during it, we learn a loit about him as a side character, but never get his pov, so I would love that!