So with S.D. Smith’s recent news about talks for a Green Ember movie, a question has come to my mind. It seems likely that The Green Ember will be adapted into a film, and possibly the other main series books if the first film does well enough. But what about the Tales of Old Natalia and Green Ember Archer books? Much as I love them, I don’t see them getting their own feature films.
I could see portions of the Tales and The Last Archer making their way into the main series films. However, I could also see the spin-off books getting shorts, akin to those released with the Kung Fu Panda movies.
We think that The Archer's series would just be rolled into the main GE movies...that would make sense since they kind of pocket right in there anyway....then the tales of old Natalia...hard to say on those....they are important, so not quite sure what they would do.....Probably depends on how much funding they get....