(As some of you probably guessed, this is indeed "Oskar's Quotes" from the Wingfeather Saga forum rebranded to GE)
So basically, this is just a thread where you can share a quote, be it from a book, movie, tv show, speech, historic event, etc. (it can be GE, but doesn't have to be), and other people try to guess what it's from or who said it. There's no scoring system or specific rule set; it's very much just for fun. The only "rules" would really just be common courtesy; like, don't spam with a bunch of quotes all at once, I guess.
(Also keep it family-friendly in terms of language and content, but that kind of goes without saying)
Have fun, everyone!
"You drool when you sleep."
The dark is generous and it is patient and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies its weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back.
Love is more than a candle.
Love can ignite the stars.
"If they had come past, I would have woken you-- if only to stop your snoring."
"I don't snore," ------ said, with dignity.
---- raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?" he said. "Then in that case, you'd better chase out that colony of walruses who are in the tent with you."
Marm, there may be winter on the mountain, but there's spring at its heart.
However, and this is extremely important, I must warn you not to use any more than a drop at a time, for an excess of perfume could skiddlypop the cartusian fripperfoozle, and I cannot guarentee your gordian glamfuzz if you squip squap piddly plap the bottle cap's safety spring bozobibblehootensplat then you must winderhoppen immediately!
"I'll kiss whoever finishes him off first. Unless it's you, _____."
"Something can be both the bane of your existance and your favorite thing in the world. Just look at my relationship with __"
Kiss me, Jewel,’ he said. ‘For certainly this is our last night on earth. And if ever I offended against you in any matter great or small, forgive me now.’
‘Dear King,’ said the Unicorn, ‘I could almost wish you had, so that I might forgive it. Farewell. We have known great joys together. If _____ gave me my choice I would choose no other life than the life I have had and no other death than the one we go to.‘”
Your generation, like mine, will endure because the old verities you sneer at will prevail. Beauty and truth and honor.
You designed me to protect children, knowing that I would begin with yours. But Milo and Luna are not the only children in the galaxy. There are billions more under threat. [Evil organization] does not care about children. It does not care about anything except power. If we join this fight, who knows how many lives we could save?
“It begins…a thousand years of darkness.”
”Why a thousand?”
”…It’s really 962 years, but a thousand sounds more ominous.”
Excuse me, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. *under his breath* probably cause I was eavesdropping.
I don't want a valuable lime lesson! I just want ice cream!
"Well, look who the _____ flew in! Glad you could join us, brother. It wouldn't feel like a family reunion without you. Now, take out that _______!"
Here's one, it just cracks me up... Still...
"You just said you thought you were going to Hurl"
"In a good way!"
"How do you Hurl in a good way?"
No one's been on here since August? Let me fix that.
"That guy was like the Starbucks of ancient Greece. Everywhere you turn-- there he is."
That was so completely unfair that I told Tantalus to go chase a donut, which didn't help his mood.
"Is my life more important than that of a struzzi?" Tobble asked. "Just because I am cute and cuddly?"
"Turns out all we needed was a little more of this." "You just gestured to all of me."
"Fear is good in small amounts, but when it is a constant pounding companion it cuts away at who you are and makes it hard to do what you know is right."
"I'm sorry my funeral feels weird for you, Studge. I'll try to die in a way that's more convenient for you next time."
Huh...this kind of died off, didn't it?
"To die for one's people is a great sacrifice. To live for one's people, an even greater sacrifice. I choose to live for my people. What do you choose?"
"Oh please. She's talking to butterflies now."
(I think @Dragon Girl @TheSilentWarrior and @Story Girl are most likely to get this)
"Food is my one weakness."
Person 1. "Ignore him."
Person 2. "Ignore both of them."