I finished the rats! I'm still working on the statues in Cloud Mountain, but the rats are just so cute!
First, the wide shot- they're not all visible here.

Sniff and Olive! Olive, the lawyer, is sitting on the shelf, and Sniff, the builder, is hanging from the top shelf

Krow, the thief and strategist rat.

Lizzie, the baker rat!

Apo, the tailor.

Will- sorry, I put him in a bush- but he's the stealth rat!

Here's a better photo of him.

Oli, the trash rat, and his sister Shubble is in the yellow shirt. She's an excellent negotiator. Of course, this pose is part of something bigger...

Martyn, master of puns.. rat- he also has an obsession with knives.

And, here's the bigger picture- ain't no way this is gonna end well...

Bek, the fighter rat, and her best friend, Eloise, the painter rat!

Jimmy, the so-called "Safety Rat" (He's the one who drowned the gardener, yes.) singing to one of the cats to keep him calm.

Acho, the poet, crawling out of the floor.

I still love Tubbo rat's pose so much- he's the "Speedster rat" and the Janitor! behind him has caught more rats than anyone else in the entire house.

Owen, the tinkerer rat, and Scott, the farmer!

The series these are from is the Rats SMP, if you want to watch it, the best place to watch it is OwengeJuiceTV on YouTube- he uploads consistent episodes, and as an added bonus, he's family friendly! There still might be minor swearing in his videos, but less than any of the others.
I promise I'll post Cloud Mountain soon, I've just been very sidetracked with my MCYT obsessions, but honestly I think this has been good for my armor stand skills, I think the statues- and maybe residents (Maybe?)- of Cloud Mountain will look better than I could have done them a few weeks ago.
Thanks for reading my ramble, I really appreciate having people to post my random artwork too. ~Stella Mae
Beautiful!!!I love it so much!