I'm currently finishing up Cloud Mountain's armor stand statues, but I found some cool (and slightly illegal-feeling) commands to get other player's heads, and I've been making some cool armor stands for the SMP's I watch! Some Rats, the full thing isn't done yet but I'm incredibly happy with how these little guys turned out, so I wanted to share them!
Tubbrat, running away from the Janitor with his sugar.

And then, Owen and Scott, the platonic besties!
(sneaky Owen with his mushroom.)
But seriously their friendship is so amazing and I love it so much I could go on but I won't-

I'll post the new Cloud Mountain when it's done, so until then, have a great day/night! ~Stella
Eeee so cute!!!!
Can't wait to see Cloud Mountain!
I got to play Minecraft for the first time new years eve! (Mainly me getting stuck up trees and chasing the cattle with a sword lol)
Ah! Love it!
Excited to see cloud mountain, great job!!