By the way, @The Fowlers the webite wouldn't let me comment on the pictures you posted or "like" certain people's comments, but I just wanted to say your picture of Perk and of Picket were awesome!!! It would let me see all of Weezie... ugh! So annoying. I'll try some other time to see if it'll let me see it and comment then. The worst was I saw you posted another chapter in the Duncan fanfic and it won't let me see it!! Ah! It better let me read it soon...
Thanks, they had dark chocolate chips....and are all gone now I have to make a batch like every other day....not kidding either....they disappear
mmm i want some now lol
they did tho.... theyre gone now :)
I WANT COOKIES!!!! Actually I just made my first ever batch of cookies, like, three days ago. they're really good. For a first try, that is.
Will do!
Mmmm, you guys just made me want choc chip cookies now, man am I jealous! I'll try the recipe one time, it might be fun if I don't mess it up!
Hey guys this is the youtube link to the did it a littel while ago when she was doing a youtube channel....
They look SO good! Thanks for the recipe btw!
By the way, @The Fowlers the webite wouldn't let me comment on the pictures you posted or "like" certain people's comments, but I just wanted to say your picture of Perk and of Picket were awesome!!! It would let me see all of Weezie... ugh! So annoying. I'll try some other time to see if it'll let me see it and comment then. The worst was I saw you posted another chapter in the Duncan fanfic and it won't let me see it!! Ah! It better let me read it soon...
Uh... I AM jealous!!!! (In a friendly way, of course!) We're so indebted to you for sharing the recipe! Can't wait to try it... 🤐
They look so tasty!
My secret ingredient to literally any dessert is CINNAMON!!!! oh, guess it’s not a secret....
They look so good! My sister has a cookbook with a really good recipe, but I add something to make it better.
Man... I AM jealous!!! 😏😋😂