Hey everyone, I'm glad to be on here again, but the reason brings me no joy, only grief. My Pastor and his family, (my cousins) have just tragically lost their dog they have had for about seven years in a car crash. If you could please pray for their peace I would really appreciate it. It got loose, and was run over in the road. A Facebook post had someone caring for it as best they could, but Rusty didn't make it. This also the birthday of the Pastor's wife. She also broke her wrist in three places Monday. I known that the enemy is just trying to intervene in the powerful church services we have been having. We also reopened our private Christian School for the first time in about a decade under our new Pastor's leadership. Not this Sunday but next Sunday we will be celebrating our 38th anniversary as a church and 1 year anniversary under our new Pastor's leadership. I will not put the picture of the condition he was found in due to blood, but here is one of the fallen legend, a friend.
Thank you friends, my place beside you, my blood for yours, 'till the Green Ember rises, or the end of the world.

Of course.