And... The long awaited part two! My computer is still being urgh, so I am using my tablet.
"I have no doubt my brother would kill my friends." Whit paced the meeting room anxiously.
"Aye, that is, if he could catch them. As far as we know, Ikker is the only one in First Warren." Captain Moonlight grimaced. "Well, except for our genius lockpick over here."
"Hey, these broken quills you have back here have to be good for something!" Fleck yelled. He stood inside a closet full of old equipment. "Gak!" He yelled as an enormous clatter emerged.
"I'll have you know, those are priceless pens that still work." Moonlight retaliated. The Citadel of Dreams stifled laughter.
" But he's here. Doesn't that mean that all his threats were lies?" Whit chewed his lip.
" We can always check his dungeons. Especially since someone seems bored here." Moonlight spoke. Fleck stumbled out with thick crates full of quills. And ink.
"Don't distract me. These quills and there ink are the secret to opening locks!" He shouted. The crates wobbled, sending the 17-year-old flying across the room. "Moonlight, how did I ever think these would account to anything?"
"Hahaha, how did you think you could do anything with them? It's been five years since the king was killed, and back then those kind of pens didn't work on any locks." Whit laughed.
"Then... We stab Daggler with them!" Fleck exclaimed.
"Hmm, sounds like something the twelve year old Fleck would say in the case where Daggler was slowly grabbing First Warren and you just came back from Jupiter's crossing."
" That was terrible grammatically." Fleck retaliated. The two were acting like brothers.
"I can't believe you convinced me to do this." Fleck muttered. He was garbed in black clothes and a mask that his his obvious markings, the ones that made him look like a Joveson.
"I hope you have a nice mission." Whit smiled. Fleck glared.
In a few short minutes, Fleck had already taken off down the road. Walking towards Daggler's dungeons. His mission rang in his head: look for Ikker. Look for Meeker. Punch Daggler in the face.
Well, Moonlight had actually said no punching Daggler. Who cared.
Ikker laughed. I mean, laughing in front of Daggler is funny, especially when he throws stuff at you. And locks you up. And... Well... You get the point. Ikker knew he shouldn't be laughing, but oh well.
If he could just pick this lock, he'd be free!
Whit screamed. He had straight defied Moonlight, look where he was! Watching an older rabbit getting tossed down a well! He jumped in after.... But the guard clasped the cover on. Whit and the old rabbit, left for dead at the bottom of a well full of not so pleasant water.
While Fleck did what?
So I'm... Was this supposed to be short???
What do y'all think of it??
-Fleck Cove.
Man I still want to read this but so little time
WOW, what happens next?!!!!!!!!! This was funny and super enjoyable to read!!!! Lol, the two were acting like brothers... love that! I need to know what happens next!!!!!!!!!!! Lol...